EC-Council's Certified Penetration Testing Professional (CPENT) certification program is revolutionizing the field of penetration testing skill development. Unlike other certifications, CPENT stands out by offering two certifications through a single exam. It encourages candidates to go beyond relying solely on tools like Kali Linux and instead emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to real-world penetration testing. By challenging candidates to think on their feet and demonstrate skills across multiple disciplines, CPENT sets itself apart as a unique and comprehensive program.

CPENT was developed to address the skills gaps often found in pentesting candidates, particularly in diverse scenarios and various network types. Unlike traditional certifications that focus on a single specialty, CPENT assesses candidates across a broad spectrum of network zones and requires them to perform assessments against different scopes of work. The program's goal is to evaluate a pentester's proficiency in attacking, exploiting, evading, and defending an enterprise network environment. By offering a holistic assessment of a pentester's skills, CPENT provides the industry with a comprehensive measure of expertise, adaptability, and quick thinking in diverse testing scenarios.

CPENT certification program sets new standards in penetration testing skill development by emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach and providing comprehensive assessments across various network zones. It addresses skills gaps, encourages critical thinking, and evaluates a pentester's abilities in real-world scenarios, making it a valuable certification for those seeking to excel in the field of penetration testing.

Frequently Asked Question About CPENT

Before showing you the best ways to prepare for the exam, we will answer your questions! 

Is CEH required for CPENT?

While there are no predefined eligibility criteria for those interested in attempting the CPENT exam, it is strongly recommended to attempt the CEH (Practical) and/ or ECSA (Practical) prior to attempting the CPENT Challenge.

Certified Ethical Hacker V11 Training

Is the CPENT exam difficult?

Unlike other penetration testing and offensive security tests that concentrate on Capture the Flag (CTF), the CPENT contains real-world testing scenarios, making it a quite difficult exam.

What are the exam features?

  • The entire exam is proctored by EC-Council specialists, leaving no room for cheating. 
  • Candidates have the flexibility to choose between two options: two 12-hour sessions or a single 24-hour exam. 
  • To achieve CPENT certification, candidates must score over 70%. For those aiming to reach the highest level of recognition, scoring more than 90% grants them the prestigious title of LPT (Master), placing them among the league of extraordinary pen testers.

How long is CPENT certification valid?

From the date of certification, the CPENT certification is valid for three years.

What is the structure of the exam?

The CPENT exam is a 100% practical exam. The candidate is required to submit the pen-testing report to complete the exam.

Is CPENT an open book exam?

Yes, it’s an open book exam. Here are two tips to help you prepare for an open book exam:

  • Organize your study materials: Open book exams can be deceptive as having access to resources doesn't necessarily mean it will be easy. Before the exam, organize your study materials in a systematic manner. Create an index or table of contents for your notes, textbooks, and any other resources you plan to use during the exam. This will help you save time. 
  • Practice efficient resource navigation: Familiarize yourself with the layout and structure of your study materials beforehand. Know where to find specific topics, concepts, or formulas within your resources. Practice navigating through your materials efficiently to locate information swiftly. This will help you optimize your time during the exam and avoid wasting it searching for relevant content.

What is the retake policy?

If a candidate fails the exam, they must request a retake by writing to practicals@eccouncil.org.

What are the benefits of the CPENT course?

  • Full alignment with the NICE framework, ensuring comprehensive coverage of essential skills and knowledge.
  • A methodology-based approach to penetration testing that emphasizes practical techniques and strategies.
  • Integration of both manual and automated penetration testing methods for a well-rounded skillset.
  • Incorporation of industry-leading practices from top service providers, providing you with cutting-edge knowledge.
  • Enhanced career prospects with job roles such as Penetration Tester and Security Analyst.
  • Development of strong report writing skills, a critical aspect of effective penetration testing.
  • Real-world experience gained through the immersive Advanced Penetration Testing Range, allowing you to apply your skills in practical scenarios.

Target audience of the CPENT Certification:

  • Penetration Testers
  • Ethical Hackers
  • Information security Consultant
  • Security Testers
  • Security Analysts
  • Security Engineers
  • Network Server Administrators
  • Firewall Administrators
  • System Administrators
  • Risk Assessment Professionals

Certified Pen Tester (CPENT) Training

The CPENT program by EC-Council teaches effective penetration testing in complex enterprise networks. It covers IoT and OT systems, exploit development, custom tool creation, advanced binary exploitation, and network segmentation. Candidates gain hands-on experience in navigating progressive challenges within a live cyber range, enhancing their pen testing skills.

Our Accredited CPENT program offers practical, real-world training in performing penetration tests within enterprise network environments. It equips candidates with the knowledge and techniques required to navigate through different network segments and overcome increasingly difficult challenges, providing a comprehensive learning experience in the field of penetration testing.


You must have the following knowledge before taking this course:

  • Advanced knowledge in Networking Protocols
  • Knowledge in Kali or ParrotOS and common Penetration Testing Tools
  • Knowledge in Exploiting Windows and Linux Hosts
  • Knowledge in Privilege Escalation in Linux and Windows
  • Knowledge in Wireless Penetration Testing
  • Knowledge in Web Application Penetration Testing

As we mentioned above, you have the potential to earn two certifications with one exam. If you score above a 90% on the CPENT live range exam, not only will you earn the CPENT certification, but you will also earn the Licensed Penetration Tester (LPT) Master Credential!

To maximize your success and obtain two certifications, it is crucial to aim for a score higher than 90% on the CPENT exam. Achieving such a remarkable score on your first attempt showcases your expertise and dedication. For the best chance at attaining this goal, enrolling in Bilginç IT Academy's official CPENT training is your ideal choice. Our comprehensive program is designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to excel in the exam. With our expert guidance and tailored resources, you'll be fully prepared to tackle the challenges of the CPENT certification and achieve exceptional results.

The heart of the CPENT program is all about helping you master your pen testing skills by putting them to use on our live cyber ranges. The CPENT ranges were designed to be dynamic in order to give you a real-world training program, so just as targets and technology continue to change in live networks, both the CPENT practice and exam ranges will mimic this reality as our team of engineers continue to add targets and defenses throughout the CPENT course’s lifetime.

Click here to see the full course outline and upcoming dates.

Invest in your future and join Bilginç IT Academy to unlock your full potential and set yourself apart as a highly qualified and certified penetration tester.


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