Cloudera University’s four-day administrator training course for Apache Hadoop provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of all the steps necessary to operate and maintain a Hadoop cluster using Cloudera Manager. From installation and configuration through load balancing and tuning, Cloudera’s training course is the best preparation for the real-world challenges faced by Hadoop administrators.
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There are no prerequisites for this course.
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Who Should Attend
This course is best suited to systems administrators and IT managers who have basic Linux experience. Prior knowledge of Apache Hadoop is not required.
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What You Will Learn
Through instructor-led discussion and interactive, hands-on exercises, participants will navigate the Hadoop ecosystem, learning topics such as:
- Cloudera Manager features that make managing your clusters easier, such as aggregated logging, configuration management, resource management, reports, alerts, and service management.
- The internals of YARN, MapReduce, Spark, and HDFS
- Determining the correct hardware and infrastructure for your cluster
- Proper cluster configuration and deployment to integrate with the data center
- How to load data into the cluster from dynamically-generated files using Flume and from RDBMS using Sqoop
- Configuring the FairScheduler to provide service-level agreements for multiple users of a cluster
- Best practices for preparing and maintaining Apache Hadoop in production
- Troubleshooting, diagnosing, tuning, and solving Hadoop issues
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The Case for Apache Hadoop
- Why Hadoop?
- Fundamental Concepts
- Core Hadoop Components
Hadoop Cluster Installation
- Rationale for a Cluster Management Solution
- Cloudera Manager Features
- Cloudera Manager Installation
- Hadoop (CDH) Installation
The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
- HDFS Features
- Writing and Reading Files
- NameNode Memory Considerations
- Overview of HDFS Security
- Web UIs for HDFS
- Using the Hadoop File Shell
MapReduce and Spark on YARN
- The Role of Computational Frameworks
- YARN: The Cluster Resource Manager
- MapReduce Concepts
- Apache Spark Concepts
- Running Computational Frameworks on YARN
- Exploring YARN Applications Through the Web UIs, and the Shell
- YARN Application Logs
Hadoop Configuration and Daemon Logs
- Cloudera Manager Constructs for Managing Configurations
- Locating Configurations and Applying Configuration Changes
- Managing Role Instances and Adding Services
- Configuring the HDFS Service
- Configuring Hadoop Daemon Logs
- Configuring the YARN Service
Getting Data Into HDFS
- Ingesting Data From External Sources With Flume
- Ingesting Data From Relational Databases
With Sqoop
- REST Interfaces
- Best Practices for Importing Data
Planning Your Hadoop Cluster
- General Planning Considerations
- Choosing the Right Hardware
- Virtualization Options*
- Network Considerations
- Configuring Nodes
Installing and Configuring Hive, Impala, and Pig
Hadoop Clients Including Hue
- What Are Hadoop Clients?
- Installing and Configuring Hadoop Clients
- Installing and Configuring Hue
- Hue Authentication and Authorization
Advanced Cluster Configuration
- Advanced Configuration Parameters
- Configuring Hadoop Ports
- Configuring HDFS for Rack Awareness
- Configuring HDFS High Availability
Hadoop Security
- Why Hadoop Security Is Important
- Hadoop’s Security System Concepts
- What Kerberos Is and how it Works
- Securing a Hadoop Cluster With Kerberos
- Other Security Concepts
Managing Resources
- Configuring cgroups with Static Service Pools
- The Fair Scheduler
- Configuring Dynamic Resource Pools
- YARN Memory and CPU Settings
- Impala Query Scheduling
Cluster Maintenance
- Checking HDFS Status
- Copying Data Between Clusters
- Adding and Removing Cluster Nodes
- Rebalancing the Cluster
- Directory Snapshots
- Cluster Upgrading
Cluster Monitoring and Troubleshooting
- Cloudera Manager Monitoring Features
- Monitoring Hadoop Clusters
- Troubleshooting Hadoop Clusters
- Common Misconfigurations
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Rated the training 5 stars.
K. K. - DBA
Rated the training 5 stars.
M. K. - Database Engineering Manager
Rated the training 5 stars.