Pathway introduction · Online transaction processing (OLTP) in the NonStop server environment
- Requester-server approach to online transaction processing
- Pathway application and its role in online transaction processing
- Components of a Pathway environment
- Starting PATHMON and PATHCOM
- Client/server options available in the Pathway environment
Pathway configuration and operation
- Starting PATHMON and PATHCOM
- Difference between global and object-specific configuration parameters
- Configuring global and object-specific parameters
- Cold starting and cool starting a Pathway system
- Starting the Pathway objects individually
- Monitoring and maintaining a Pathway system
- Shutting down a Pathway system
- Capturing the configuration specifications for the current Pathway environment
Lab Exercise (30 minutes):
Lab Exercise (1 hour):
- Create, start, and exit from a Pathway application environment
- Configure Pathway TCP, TERM, PROGRAM, and SERVER objects
- Display Pathway object attributes and information
- Shut down a Pathway application environment
Lab Exercise (1 hour):
- Manage and monitor a Pathway application environment
- Capture the current Pathway configuration parameters
SCREEN COBOL requesters · Steps a programmer performs to develop a SCREEN COBOL requester
- Several functions of SCREEN COBOL
- Similarities and differences between SCREEN COBOL and COBOL
- Components of a basic SCREEN COBOL program
- Writing basic SCREEN COBOL statements to display and accept data
- Writing basic SCREEN COBOL statements to communicate with other requester programs
- Using the SCREEN COBOL Utility Program (SCUP) to maintain pseudo-object libraries
Lab Exercise (1 hour):
- Lay out and use a SCREEN COBOL screen
- Define fields and attributes that make up a SCREEN COBOL screen additional SCREEN COBOL topics
- Writing basic SCREEN COBOL statements to communicate with server programs
- Coding SCREEN COBOL verbs to enhance screen displays
- Basic functions of TM/MP (Transaction Monitoring Facility, TMF) software
- Writing SCREEN COBOL statements for a requester to operate in a TM/MP environment
- Defining and using overlay screens in SCREEN COBOL
Lab Exercise (1.5 hours):
- Code SCREEN COBOL requester programs
- Code ACCEPT, PERFORM ONE, and CALL statements
Inspect debugging · Basic syntax and use of common Inspect commands used to debug programs
- Necessary steps to debug a stand-alone process
- Necessary steps to debug a SCREEN COBOL requester
- Necessary steps to debug a Pathway server
Lab Exercise (2 hours):
- Gain experience in enabling a database to be protected by the TM/MP facility
- Demonstrate the difference between audited and nonaudited databases
Lab Exercise (2 hours):
server fundamentals · Basic function of a server
- Function of $RECEIVE in interprocess communication
- Steps that make up the basic structure of a server program
- Coding the COBOL85 server program to use $RECEIVE properly
- How server programs can utilize the enhanced capabilities of the D.xx versions of the NonStop Kernel operating system
- Why servers should be context-free
- Problems that can occur when servers have concurrent access to a database
Lab Exercise (1 hour):
Lab Exercise (1 hour):
- Establish an Inspect session in a Pathway application environment
- Use Inspect to examine the message passed between a requester and server in the Pathway application environment server programs—Enscribe database access
- Coding SELECT statements to associate logical file names to physical file names
- Coding statements to open the database files in the correct mode for server access
- Using the NonStop server extension to solve positioning problems
- Coding file access statements to read, update, and delete database records
- Locking implications when accessing Enscribe files
- Establishing a Declaratives Section in a server to handle I/O errors
- Compiling a server program that accesses Enscribe files server programs—NonStop SQL/MP database access
- Identifying and defining a host variable
- Coding an SQL/MP SELECT statement that accesses a single row of a NonStop SQL table
- Writing a variety of Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements to insert, update, and delete records in an SQL/MP database
- Operation of a cursor
- Constructing a series of statements that use a cursor
- Writing statements to report SQL/MP run-time errors
- Process used to compile a COBOL85 program with embedded SQL/MP statements
- Writing statements to compile a COBOL85 server program that accesses a NonStop SQL/MP database
Lab Exercise (1.5 hours):
- Code simple server programs to access an Enscribe or SQL/MP database
- Code a variety of statements and then compile and test your server program
Lab Exercise (2 hours):
Lab Exercise (5 hours)—Optional:
Lab Exercise (3 hours)—Optional:
- Gain a complete picture of a Pathway requester server pair
- Design and build copy libraries, the DDL source, and a simple database