Project Management Institute has announced that the PMP certification exam is changing on 2 January 2021.  The updates of the new exam are the following:

-The new PMP exam has 180 questions but the same number of questions will be scored. (The previous exam had 200 questions)
-Candidates have 230 minutes to complete the Project Management Professional PMP exam.
-One additional break for a total of two 10-minute breaks will be held during the exam.
-The questions of the new PMP exam will be a combination of multiple-choice, multiple responses, matching, hotspot and limited fill-in-the-blank.

You can take a look at the sample questions to learn more about the new, updated PMP exam.

In the announcement of Project Management Institute, they stated that project management professionals need more diverse skills and approaches than ever before. Therefore Project Management Professional PMP certification exam will change on 2 January 2021 to meet those needs and will focus on three new domains: People, process and business environment. To read the PMI’s full announcement on the change of PMP exam, please visit their website

To prepare for the new Project Management Professional PMP exam, enroll to our Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification Program training and learn the most experienced trainers! Contact us to learn more about our PMP - project management trainings and to enroll:
+90 212 282 77 00


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In order to take the Project Management Professional PMP certification exam, required project management PMP training must be taken. For university graduate candidates, at least 4500 hours of project management experience in last 3 years and participation in project management training are sought. And for high school graduate candidates, at least 7500 hours of project management experience in last 5 years and participation in project management training are required.
No. For university graduate candidates, you have to have at least 4500 hours of project management experience in last 3 years. And for high school graduate candidates, you have to have at least 7500 hours of project management experience in last 5 years.
3 years. However, it is possible to extend the validation of your Project Management PMP certificate in two ways. The first is to take the exam every 3 years, and the second way is to accumulate 60 Professional Development Units (PDUs) within 3 years and report this to the Project Management Institute (PMI).
There is two possible ways to renew your PMP certification after 3 years. The first way is to take the exam every 3 years, while the second way to renew your certification is to accumulate 60 Professional Development Units (PDUs) within 3 years and report this to the Project Management Institute (PMI).
Three times in a year. If you fail the exam in your first try, The Project Management Institute gives you the right to take the exam unlimitedly by reapplying each year, provided that it is a maximum of 3 times in the same year. If you fail to pass the PMP exam 3 times in the same year, your right to reapply for the exam arises one year after the last project management exam you took.

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