- Client-side security
- Practical cryptography
- Secure communication in Java
- Java security services
Client-side security
- JavaScript security
- Same Origin Policy
- Simple requests
- Preflight requests
- Exercise – Client-side authentication
- Client-side authentication and password management
- Protecting JavaScript code
- Clickjacking
- Clickjacking
- Exercise – IFrame, Where is My Car?
- Protection against Clickjacking
- Anti frame-busting – dismissing protection scripts
- Protection against busting frame busting
- AJAX security
- Script injection attack in AJAX
- Exercise – XSS in AJAX
- XSS protection in AJAX
- Exercise CSRF in AJAX – JavaScript hijacking
- CSRF protection in AJAX
Practical cryptography
- Rule #1 of implementing cryptography
- Cryptosystems
- Elements of a cryptosystem
- Java Cryptography Architecture / Extension (JCA/JCE)
- Using Cryptographic Service Providers
- Symmetric-key cryptography
- Providing confidentiality with symmetric cryptography
- Symmetric encryption algorithms
- Modes of operation
- Private (symmetric) key cryptography in Java
- Other cryptographic algorithms
- Hash or message digest
- Hash algorithms
- SHAttered
- Hashing in Java: MessageDigest class
- MAC and password-based encryption in Java: Mac class
- Message Authentication Code (MAC)
- Providing integrity and authenticity with a symmetric key
- Random number generation
- Random numbers and cryptography
- Cryptographically-strong PRNGs
- Weak and strong PRNGs in Java
- Hardware-based TRNGs
- Exercise RandomTest
- Using random numbers in Java – spot the bug!
- Asymmetric (public-key) cryptography
- Providing confidentiality with public-key encryption
- Rule of thumb – possession of private key
- The RSA algorithm
- Introduction to RSA algorithm
- Encrypting with RSA
- Combining symmetric and asymmetric algorithms
- Digital signing with RSA
- Exercise Sign
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
- Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack
- Digital certificates against MitM attack
- Certificate Authorities in Public Key Infrastructure
- X.509 digital certificate
- The Java Keystore (JKS)
- Java Certification Path (CertPath)
Secure communication in Java
- SSL and TLS
- Usage options
- Security services of TLS
- SSL/TLS handshake
Java security services
- Java security services – architecture