Kıbrıs BCS EXIN Essentials Certificate in Blockchain Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 1 Gün
  • Seviye: Fundamentals

The BCS EXIN Essentials Certificate in Blockchain validates a professional’s knowledge about Blockchain as a ledger with potential as a worldwide, decentralised record for the registration, inventory, and transfer of assets: finance, property, products and intangible assets, such as votes, software, health data and ideas.

The certification covers the basic concepts of Blockchain, the potential fields of application, the potential value for the organisation and the technology driving Blockchain. QA provide hands-on Blockchain labs, build your own Blockchain and create your own cryptocurrency, to support this certification to ensure you apply the essential Blockchain skills in an applied learning environment.

BCS EXIN Essentials Certificate in Blockchain validates a professional’s knowledge about:

  • Blockchain Basics
  • Blockchain Challenges
  • Applications of a Blockchain
  • Blockchain Innovations

Professional Benefits:

  • Recognised awarding body certificate in blockchain
  • Short course with flexible learning options, including on-line e-learning
  • Creates a basic understanding of blockchain technology
  • Helps candidates demonstrate CPD and knowledge of an emerging technology to employers and improve earnings potential
  • Enjoy BCS Associate membership as a successful candidate
  • Enjoy a wide range of member benefits and professional recognition, as well as networking, mentoring and career development opportunities
  • Candidates gain professional recognition from a global brand.

Employer Benefits:

  • Developed with subject matter experts from the industry
  • Basic level, short course with flexible learning options
  • Develops a basic knowledge and understanding of blockchain
  • Develops knowledge of an emerging technology that supports your organisation’s digital transformation
  • Drives innovative thinking
  • Provides development opportunities to support employee engagement and retention
  • Supports the upskilling of existing team members to develop the skills your business needs
  • Employees will gain an industry recognised standard helping to drive standards across your business
  • BCS associate membership for 1 year following successful completion providing employees with access to on-going career support and CPD.

There are no prerequisites for attending this training.

Target Audience

BCS EXIN Essentials Certificate in Blockchain is tailored to professionals involved in business operations in any domain, who are interested in Blockchain as a cryptographic and smart contract solution.

Course Author

Mark Martin

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Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz.

Neler Öğreneceksiniz

Learners will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of Blockchain in the following areas:

Module 1. Blockchain Basics (30%)

1.1 Blockchain Technology

You will be able to:

  • Explain how a Blockchain works.
  • Explain what a node is.
  • Explain what tokens are.
  • Differentiate between public, private and hybrid Blockchains.

1.2 Additional Blockchain Elements

You will be able to:

  • Explain the purpose ledgers have in a Blockchain.
  • Explain the role mining has in a Blockchain.

Module 2. Blockchain Challenges (20%)

2.1 Challenges for a Blockchain

You will be able to:

  • Identify Blockchain vulnerabilities.
  • Identify the risks community fractures and feuds pose to a Blockchain.
  • Identify the risks fraud and scams pose to a Blockchain.

2.2 Blockchain Risk Mitigation

You will be able to:

  • Explain the role of the public witness in a Blockchain.

Module 3. Applications of a Blockchain (35%)

3.1 Blockchain Use Case

You will be able to:

  • Explain in which scenarios a Blockchain is useful.

3.2 Blockchain Technology Supporting Businesses

You will be able to:

  • Explain how cryptocurrencies are used.

3.3 Blockchain Technology Supporting People

You will be able to:

  • Explain the use of smart contracts.
  • Explain the use of Decentralised Applications (DApps).
  • Explain the role of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAO) and Sophisticated smart contracts.

3.4 Expanding Blockchain Applications

You will be able to:

  • Describe possible applications for a Blockchain with regard to identity.
  • Identify the possibilities of combining a Blockchain with Internet of Things (IoT) or Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  • Identify the use of decentralised marketplaces and exchanges facilitated by Blockchain technology.

3.5 Blockchain and the World Economy

You will be able to:

  • Describe the role a Blockchain can play in the supply chain.
  • Describe the role a Blockchain can play in cross-border money transfers.

Module 4. Blockchain Innovations (15%)

4.1 Innovations in Blockchain Technology

You will be able to:

  • Explain what digital fiat currency and disruption in banking and currency are.
  • Explain how Blockchain technology can change insurance.
  • Explain the use of Blockchain technology for the protection of intellectual property rights (IP) and providence.
  • Explain how Blockchain technology may change governments.
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Module 1: Blockchain Basics

1.1 Blockchain Technology

1.2 Additional Blockchain Elements

LAB: What is Hashing

Module 2: Blockchain Challenges

2.1 Challenges for a Blockchain

2.2 Blockchain Risk Mitigation

LAB: Creating a Blockchain

Module 3: Applications of a Blockchain

3.1 Blockchain Use Case

3.2 Blockchain Technology Supporting Businesses

3.3 Blockchain Technology Supporting People

3.4 Expanding Blockchain Applications

3.5 Blockchain and the World Economy

LAB: Creating a cryptocurrency

Module 4: Blockchain Innovations

4.1 Innovations in Blockchain Technology

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İlgili Eğitimler

BCS EXIN Essentials Certificate in Blockchain Eğitimi Kıbrıs

Kuzey Kıbrıs olarak da bilinen Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti (KKTC) Akdeniz’de yer alan dünyanın en büyük üçüncü adası Kıbrıs’ta bulunmaktadır. Ülkenin resmi dili Türkçe, başkenti Lefkoşa, Cumhurbaşkanı Ersin Tatar ve para birimi Türk Lirası’dır. Akdeniz ikliminin hakim olduğu bu ülkenin toplam yüz ölçümü 3.550 kilometrekaredir. Yunan mitolojisinde aşk tanrıçası Afrodit’in mekanı olan Kıbrıs’ta M.Ö. 10000 yıllarından beri yerleşim olduğu tahmin edilmektedir.

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