Kıbrıs BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis (inc exam) Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 3 Gün
  • Seviye: Fundamentals

What do Business Analysts do? What skills and competencies do they require to do their role? This 3-day Foundation level course provides delegates with a 'whistle-stop tour' of the role of the Business Analyst who acts as the link between business needs, users and IT within change initiatives.

This 3-day course is fast-paced and through the use of examples and a simple case study introduces delegates to the contribution that a business analyst makes within a business. We also consider the tools and techniques available to Business Analysts to assist them in their role.

At the end of the course you may sit a multiple-choice examination to obtain the BCS Business Analysis Foundation Certificate. This qualification provides a foundation to the BCS International Diploma in Business Analysis and covers the knowledge-based element of the qualification.

Target Audience:

This course is suitable for anyone new to Business Analysis or anyone wishing to understand the role better, but may be preferable for those having already completed courses in the Diploma stream and/or have some experience (we also offer a slower-paced 4-day version of the same course which you may be interested in should you prefer a less intense, more thoughtful and more interactive introduction to Business Analysis).

This course is ideal as a final course towards the Diploma but also works well as a standalone course for those who want to gain an understanding of the role of a BA. For the 4-day version of this course please see

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Ability to commit to some homework (reading and revision) per night during the course (approx. 1 hour per evening)

Pre-course reading

Delegates will be provided with pre-course reading prior to attending the course. If you have not received your pre-reading material within one week of the start of your course, please contact your Account Manager or

Photographic Identification

If you are taking the BCS exam you must bring photographic identification with you (passport, driving license or student card), as it is a BCS requirement to produce it for the invigilator prior to the exam. Failure to produce a valid form of photographic identification will result in a candidate not being able to sit the exam. For any questions about what form of identification is acceptable please contact your Account Manager or the QA Examination Administration team on 44 (0)1793 696273.

BCS Reasonable Adjustments policy

BCS allow additional time for candidates who have a disability or whose native language differs to that of the examination paper. Full details are provided in the BCS which is available to view on the BCS website. If you believe you qualify for this then please notify the Exam Administration team on the details below as early as possible. At least two weeks' notice will be required for processing this request. Delegates failing to advise QA and provide evidence when requested, may not be allowed the additional support offered via the BCS policy. QA Exam Administration can be contacted by email or by phone 44(0) 1793 696162.

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Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Recognise the skills and competencies required of the business analyst describe how a business strategy is developed
  • Adopt a business analysis process modal approach to change initiatives capture business system issues
  • Consider the perspectives of key individuals who will be affected or are interested in the change project and document their views
  • Use techniques for the analysis and modelling of business systems
  • Describe the contents of a business case which would be used to justify a project
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Course Outline

Day One:

  • Introduction to Business Analysis
  • The role of the Business Analyst - Skills and Competencies Introducing Strategy Analysis
  • Introducing the Business Analysis Process Model
  • Investigation Techniques
  • Stakeholder Analysis and Management

Day Two:

  • Stakeholder Analysis and Management (cont)
  • Modelling Business Processes
  • Defining the Solution
  • Making a Business and Financial Case
  • Establishing the Requirements

Day Three:

  • Documenting and Managing Requirements Modelling Requirements
  • Delivering the Requirements Delivering the Business Solution Exam


  • BCS Business Analysis Foundation Exam (One Hour Multiple Choice)
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İlgili Eğitimler

BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis (inc exam) Eğitimi Kıbrıs

Kuzey Kıbrıs olarak da bilinen Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti (KKTC) Akdeniz’de yer alan dünyanın en büyük üçüncü adası Kıbrıs’ta bulunmaktadır. Ülkenin resmi dili Türkçe, başkenti Lefkoşa, Cumhurbaşkanı Ersin Tatar ve para birimi Türk Lirası’dır. Akdeniz ikliminin hakim olduğu bu ülkenin toplam yüz ölçümü 3.550 kilometrekaredir. Yunan mitolojisinde aşk tanrıçası Afrodit’in mekanı olan Kıbrıs’ta M.Ö. 10000 yıllarından beri yerleşim olduğu tahmin edilmektedir.

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