Kıbrıs BCS Foundation Certificate in Organisational Behaviour Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 3 Gün
  • Seviye: Fundamentals

The BCS Foundation Certificate in Organisational Behaviour provides an entry level qualification for anyone wishing to gain an understanding of the complex factors which shape the way organisations operate. It includes the principles of organisational design and operating models, as well as group and individual performance, culture and behaviour. The certificate will also enable candidates to understand key principles of finance at both business and project level.

The Foundation Certificate is for people who want to gain a general understanding of the structure, operation and behaviour of organisations, including business and project finance. Suitable for business analysts, business managers and anyone working in business change. This list is not exhaustive and many other roles may benefit.

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There are no specific pre-requisites for this course.

If you are taking a BCS exam you must bring photographic identification with you (passport, driving license or student card), as it is a BCS requirement to produce it for the invigilator prior to the exam. Failure to produce a valid form of photographic identification will result in a candidate not being able to sit the exam. For any questions about what form of identification is acceptable please contact your Account Manager or the QA Examination Administration team on 44(0)1793 696273.

Simple non-programmable calculators can be used during paper-based examinations (to be provided by the candidate). QA provision these. Candidates taking on-line examinations will have access to an on- screen calculator. No other calculators or mobile technology will be allowed.

BCS allow additional time for candidates who have a disability or whose native language differs to that of the examination paper. Full details are provided in the BCS which is available to view on the BCS website. If you believe you qualify for this then please notify the Exam Administration team on the details below as early as possible. At least two weeks' notice will be required for processing this request. Delegates failing to advise QA and provide evidence when requested, may not be allowed the additional support offered via the BCS policy. QA Exam Administration can be contacted by emailexam.admin@qa.comor by phone+44(0) 1793 696162.

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Neler Öğreneceksiniz

  • Organisational Principles including delivering value, structure, budgets, jobs, management and rules.
  • Operating models including structures and boundaries.
  • Organisational motivation, behaviour and culture.
  • Group formation, dynamics and networks.
  • Principles of financial reporting including balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, costing and pricing.
  • Project finance including costs and benefits, payback, discounted cash flow and internal rate of return.
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  • Organisational Principles: delivering value, structure, budgets, jobs, management and rules.
  • Operating models: structures and boundaries
  • Organisational motivation, behaviour and culture.
  • Groups: formation, dynamics and networks.
  • Principles of financial reporting: balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, costing and pricing.
  • Project finance: costs and benefits, payback, discounted cash flow and internal rate of return.
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BCS Foundation Certificate in Organisational Behaviour Eğitimi Kıbrıs

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