Dünün boyutsal veri depoları, günümüz iş zekası programlarının ihtiyaçlarını karşılama konusunda yetersiz kalıyor.
İşletmelerin beklentileriyse analitik ve performans yönetimini de içerecek şekilde genişlemiş durumda. İşletmelerin girişimleri ise veri yönetişimine ve ana veri yönetimine (MDM) ihtiyaç duyuyor. Yeni yöntemler ve teknolojiler, sanallaştırma, çevik geliştirme ve büyük veri girişimlerini daha olası kılıyor.
Bu eğitim, işletmenin boyutsal görünümünden başlayarak genişlemekte olan zorluklar listesini nasıl yerine getirebileceğinizi gösterecek.
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Herhangi bir ön kosul yoktur.
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Kimler Katılmalı
Program yöneticileri, iş sponsorları ve bilgi tüketicileri, iş analistleri, veri mimarları ve sistem mimarları, veri depolarının, veri ambarlarının, OLAP ortamlarının, semantik katmanların veya raporlar, kontrol panelleri ve skor kartları gibi bilgi ürünlerinin geliştiricileri bu eğitime katılabilir.
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Module 1 Modern BI
- Modern Concerns
- Traditional data architecture
- Impact of new technologies and practices
- Who Has an Interest in Information
- Modern BI Services
- The Three Pillars of Modern BI
- Performance Management, OLAP and Analytics
- Modern Information Architecture
- Impact of new technology on each service category
- Information Requirements
- Organizing information requirements by business process
- Sorting requirements by BI service
Module 2 Performance Management
- Performance Management
- Business performance
- Dashboards and Scorecards
- Business Metrics and Data
- Aligning metrics with business strategy
- How to document business metrics
- Performance Management and Other Services
- Linking dashboards to detail (PM and OLAP)
- Targeting analytics and measuring ROI (PM and Analytics)
- Dynamic Nature of Performance Management
- Project vs. operations
- Adapting and evolving content of performance dashboards
- Visualization
- Communicating the right message
- Eliminating chart junk
- High bandwidth visual elements
Module 3 Business Analytics
- Insight and Impact
- What is an analytic model
- Kinds of models
- Enabling Analytics
- Identifying where analytics can have business impact
- The makeup of project teams
- Business analysts and analytic modelers
- Methodologies for analytics
- Big Data
- Sorting through the hype
- Kinds of data structures
- Information Architecture
- The place of unstructured data in your program
- Capture & Explore
- Discard / Deploy / Augment / Extend
- Analytics and Performance Management
- Targeting metrics and measuring ROI
- Which Data to Use
- Looking beyond enterprise data
- The analytic sandbox
- Incorporating Unstructured Data
- Augmenting the data warehouse
- Linking dimensional data with machine data, semi structured data and key-value pairs
Module 4 OLAP and Reporting
- Analysis and Detail
- Supporting ad hoc access, analysis and reporting
- Integrated record of business performance
- Enterprise Perspective
- Integrated data vs. stovepipes
- Conformance
- Business Information Requirements
- Capturing requirements through the Business Dimensional Model (BDM)
- Fact groups & definitions
- Dimensionality and hierarchies
- Master Data Management
- Dimensional Design
- Key characteristics of dimensional models
- Handling history through “slow changes”
- How to document a dimensional design
- Quick overview of advanced concepts in dimensional modeling
- Governance and Master Data
- Data governance
- Governance roles
- Master data management
- Master data and conformed dimensions
- OLAP and Performance Management
- Synchronizing perspectives on business metrics
- OLAP and Business Analytics
- Making the data warehouse analytics-friendly
- Virtualization
- Where virtualization may fit in the information architecture
Module 5 People, Process, and Technology
- Architecture
- Components of architecture
- Program management and planned evolution
- Process: One size does not fit all
- Different nature of projects in OLAP, performance management and analytics
- Adapting projects to scope and importance of business need
- Development Methods
- Control vs. autonomy in each BI service category
- The agile manifesto
- Collaboration and frequent delivery in BI
- Organization: BI, IT and the Business
- Evolution of BI and analytic capabilities
- Cross-functional teams
- Competency centers and the contract with IT
- Choosing Your Toolset
- Program control vs. Business Autonomy
- Policies for centralized and user-maintained toolsets
Module 6 Summary and Conclusions
- Summary of Key Points
- Recommended Reading
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