MODULE 1: Introduction to Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
Learn about the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL and determine if it is a good fit for your application.
- Introduction
- What is Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
- How does Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL work
- When should you use Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
- Knowledge check
- Summary
MODULE 2: Try Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
Learn how to use the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL to create an account, and then use the account to create Cosmos DB resources.
- Introduction
- Explore resources
- Review basic operations
- Exercise: Create an Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL account
- Knowledge check
- Summary
MODULE 3: Plan Resource Requirements
Familiarize yourself with the various configuration options for a new Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL account.
- Introduction
- Understand throughput
- Evaluate throughput requirements
- Evaluate data storage requirements
- Time-to-live (TTL)
- Plan for data retention with time-to-live (TTL)
- Knowledge check
- Summary
MODULE 4: Configure Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL database and containers
Select between the various throughput offerings in Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL.
- Introduction
- Serverless
- Compare serverless vs. provisioned throughput
- Autoscale throughput
- Compare autoscale vs. standard (manual) throughput
- Migrate between standard (manual) and autoscale throughput
- Exercise: Configure throughput for Azure Cosmos DB SQL API with the Azure portal
- Knowledge check
- Summary
MODULE 5: Use the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL SDK
Learn about the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos library, and then download the library to use in a .NET application.
- Introduction
- Understand the SDK
- Import from package manager
- Connect to an online account
- Implement client singleton
- Configure connectivity mode
- Exercise: Connect to Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL with the SDK
- Knowledge check
- Summary