Kıbrıs IBM MQ V9 System Administration (using Linux for labs) Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 4 Gün
  • Seviye: Fundamentals

These courses are being delivered by an IBM Global Training Provider

This course provides technical professionals with the skills that are needed to administer IBM MQ queue managers on distributed operating systems and in the Cloud. In addition to the instructor-led lectures, you participate in hands-on lab exercises that are designed to reinforce lecture content. The lab exercises use IBM MQ V9.0, giving you practical experience with tasks such as handling queue recovery, implementing security, and problem determination.

Note: This course does not cover any of the features of MQ for z/OS or MQ for IBM i.

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Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz.


  • Basic knowledge of IBM MQ V9 concepts and features, obtained either through experience or by successfully completing Technical Introduction to IBM MQ (WM103G) or Technical Introduction to IBM MQ (ZM103G)
  • Ability to invoke standard functions within the operating system that is used in the lab exercises
  • Some knowledge of TCP/IP configuration
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Neler Öğreneceksiniz

  • Describe the IBM MQ deployment options
  • Plan for the implementation of IBM MQ on-premises or in the Cloud
  • Use IBM MQ commands and the IBM MQ Explorer to create and manage queue managers, queues, and channels
  • Use the IBM MQ sample programs and utilities to test the IBM MQ network
  • Enable a queue manager to exchange messages with another queue manager
  • Configure client connections to a queue manager
  • Use a trigger message and a trigger monitor to start an application to process messages
  • Implement basic queue manager restart and recovery procedures
  • Use IBM MQ troubleshooting tools to identify the cause of a problem in the IBM MQ network
  • Plan for and implement basic IBM MQ security features
  • Use accounting and statistics messages to monitor the activities of an IBM MQ system
  • Define and administer a simple queue manager cluster
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Course introduction
IBM MQ review
IBM MQ installation and deployment options
Creating a queue manager and queues
Exercise: Using commands to create a queue manager and queues
Introduction to IBM MQ Explorer
Exercise: Using IBM MQ Explorer to create queue managers and queues
Testing the IBM MQ implementation
Exercise: Using IBM MQ sample programs to test the configuration
Implementing distributed queuing
Exercise: Connecting queue managers
IBM MQ clients
Exercise: Connecting an IBM MQ client
Implementing trigger messages and monitors
Exercise: Implementing a trigger monitor
Diagnosing problems
Exercise: Running an IBM MQ trace
Implementing basic security in IBM MQ
Exercise: Controlling access to IBM MQ
Backing up and restoring IBM MQ messages and object definitions
Exercise: Using a media image to restore a queue
Exercise: Backing up and restoring IBM MQ object definitions
Introduction to queue manager clusters
Exercise: Implementing a basic cluster
Monitoring and configuring IBM MQ for performance
Exercise: Monitoring IBM MQ for performance
Course summary

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IBM MQ V9 System Administration (using Linux for labs) Eğitimi Kıbrıs

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