Kıbrıs Integr8: Human-centred teamwork programme for cybersecurity teams Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 1 Gün
  • Seviye: Fundamentals
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Integr8 is the leading human-centred teamwork development program for cybersecurity teams and multi-team systems, synthesising 56,000 hours of research into a gamified, experiential curriculum that develops the essential skills to drive lasting and dynamic teamwork.

Comprised of eight innovative half-day workshops conducted over the course of four to six months, Integr8 combines immersive experiences with revelatory

discussions that unlock the awesome power of psychological safety at the individual, team, and multi-team levels.

LETS facilitators and participants co-create a level playing field where they can replace judgment with curiosity, share their ideas and perspectives openly, and develop a collective growth mindset within and between the teams. With access to the 16 tools and techniques from the LETS Workbench, participants are prepared to seamlessly transfer their knowledge from the programme to the workplace.


Our programme is bespoke for each client. Through discovery conversations prior to the training, we come to understand an organisation‘s culture, language, and values so that we can represent the mission and message of its leaders. This context is then embedded into the teamwork experiences and facilitated discussions, as well as reinforced when creating transfer action plans for bringing lessons learned in the programme back to the workplace.

There are no prerequisites.

  • Expand focus of security operations training to include human capabilities
  • Respond to crises more effectively through planning and execution
  • Reduce overreliance on a few key experts (i.e., the “superhero problem”)
  • Increase shared awareness of new security threats and risk assessments
  • Motivate individuals who prefer working alone to collaborate
  • Improve proactive adaptation and, in turn, efficacy of reactive adaptation
  • Onboard new hires faster with a shared language around risk and resilience

Integr8 is the leading human-centered cybersecurity training designed for multi-team systems, synthesising 56,000 hours of research into a gamified, experiential curriculum that develops the essential skills to drive lasting and dynamic teamwork. Comprised of eight innovative half-day workshops conducted over the course of four to six months, Integr8 combines immersive experiences with revelatory discussions that unlock the awesome power of psychological safety at the individual, team, and multi-team levels.

LETS facilitators and participants co-create a level playing field where they can replace judgment with curiosity, share their ideas and perspectives openly, and develop a collective growth mindset within and between the teams. With access to the 16 tools and techniques from the LETS Workbench, participants are prepared to seamlessly transfer their knowledge from the programme to the workplace.

Programme Workshops

Each workshop in Integr8 advances the development of essential collaboration micro-skills and normalizes teamwork tools and techniques. Through a context-independent low-resistance approach, participants are able to leave their titles and tension at the door, as the focus of interpersonal interaction shifts from tasks to teamwork. Integr8 cultivates a culture of trust, connectivity, and agility and motivates team members to collaborate. The skills developed at the individual level extend into the dynamics within and between teams.

1. Team Alignment

In the first workshop, individuals are challenged to detach from their own perspectives and attitudes while developing a business plan for a new company as a team. Teams align expectations for collaboration and shared priorities using team charters and situational awareness maps. As the experience progresses, teams embrace a culture of curiosity, merging their companies to create conglomerates. This workshop emphasizes that it’s not about the work you do, it’s about who you are when you do it.

Workshop Objectives:

  • PRACTICE detaching from individual perspectives and attitudes to increase collective agility
  • PRACTICE navigating disagreements within and between teams to de-escalate tension and move forward in alignment
  • ALIGN expectations for collaboration and shared priorities to cultivate trust

2. Team Adaptation

In the second workshop, teams are challenged to navigate disagreements within and between teams as they compete to recruit employees for their new companies. Teams adapt their plans according to the changing environment using contingency planning charts and conflict resolution protocols. As the experience progresses, teams embrace a culture of resilience, facing off to secure the human capital that best supports their new company’s culture. This workshop emphasizes that adaptation has a ripple effect.

Workshop Objectives:

  • PRACTICE navigating disagreements within and between teams to de-escalate tension and move forward in alignment
  • ADAPT plans according to the changing environment to cultivate a growth mindset
  • EMBRACE a team culture of curiosity to support analyzing information from multiple sources

3. Individual Roles & Team Goals

In the third workshop, teams are challenged to designate clear responsibilities among members to accomplish superordinate goals as they plan an employee retreat. Team members contribute individually while collectively processing challenges and successes using goal hierarchy charts and debriefing protocols. As the experience progresses, teams embrace a culture of accountability, integrating their individual inputs into a team deliverable. This workshop emphasizes that no contribution is too small, yet no contribution is big enough on its own.

Workshop Objectives:

  • PRACTICE designating clear responsibilities among team members to accomplish superordinate goals
  • CONNECT individual contributions with team outcomes to cultivate a human-centered approach to problem-solving
  • EMBRACE a culture of team accountability to support collective follow-through

4. Individual Resilience & Team Agility

In the fourth workshop, individuals are challenged to reference past experiences as they justify their plan for relocating the company headquarters. Individuals construct their hypotheses using cause-and-effect charts while considering those of others using perspective-taking maps. As the experience progresses, teams embrace a culture of exchanging ideas, calculating risk and reward and choosing a collective path forward. This workshop emphasizes that to be agile is to be unattached.

Workshop Objectives:

  • PRACTICE referencing past experiences to determine clear courses of action
  • CONSTRUCT hypotheses and consider those of others to cultivate broader perspectives
  • EMBRACE a team culture of exchanging ideas to support open communication

5. Team & Multi-Team Consensus

In the fifth workshop, teams are challenged to analyze and prioritize resources as they determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to their company’s sustainability. Teams identify and deploy strategies that best leverage resources using structured brainstorming and 5-why analyses. As the experience progresses, teams embrace a culture of cooperative competition, engaging in negotiations between teams. This workshop emphasizes that true collaboration starts in neutral.

Workshop Objectives:

  • PRACTICE analyzing and prioritizing resources to establish order in an ambiguous environment
  • IDENTIFY and DEPLOY strategies that best leverage resources to cultivate effective decision-making
  • EMBRACE a culture of cooperative competition to support reciprocity among teams

6. Collective Information Gathering

In the sixth workshop, teams are challenged to learn the parameters of a new environment as they uncover hidden information about their adversary. Teams acquire new data and adapt strategies using information scaffolding and growth-oriented feedback. As the experience progresses, teams embrace a culture of continuous learning, compiling a knowledge database to apply to new scenarios. This workshop emphasizes that data plus experience equals information and information plus experience equals knowledge.

Workshop Objectives:

  • PRACTICE learning parameters of new environments to develop a shared mental model
  • ACQUIRE new data and ADAPT strategies to cultivate agile responses hypotheses and consider those of others to cultivate broader perspectives
  • EMBRACE a culture of continuous learning to support the conversion of information into knowledge

7. Multi-team Strategic Development

In the seventh workshop, teams are challenged to coordinate communication pathways between teams as they gather and share information to develop a defensive strategy against their adversary. Teams create a system for when to give and receive information between teams using boundary spanning and collaboration triggering charts. As the experience progresses, teams embrace a culture of interdependence, recognizing the benefits of cooperation in working toward a common goal. This workshop emphasizes how connecting the dots reveals a complete picture.

Workshop Objectives:

  • PRACTICE coordinating communication pathways between teams to maximize efficiency
  • CREATE a system for when to give and receive information between teams to cultivate clarity in
  • EMBRACE a culture of interdependence to support mutually beneficial decision-making and collaboration

8. Multi-team Collaboration

In the eighth workshop, teams are challenged to apply skills from Workshops 1 through 7 around trust, resilience, problem-solving, adaptation, and information sharing as they defend against attacks and overtake adversaries. Teams develop strategic partnerships using shared knowledge of unique expertise (SKUE) boards and multi-team system mapping. As the experience progresses, teams embrace a culture of unity, planning a sustainable future for their companies through a multi-team charter. This workshop emphasizes that the effort of even the most talented team

Workshop Objectives:

  • APPLY skills from Workshops 1 through 7 around trust, resilience, problem-solving, adaptation, and information sharing to emphasize a comprehensive approach to teamwork
  • DEVELOP strategic partnerships between teams to strengthen
  • EMBRACE a culture of unity to support complex problem-solving

Please click here to access the INTEGR8 Programme Guide

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Integr8: Human-centred teamwork programme for cybersecurity teams Eğitimi Kıbrıs

Kuzey Kıbrıs olarak da bilinen Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti (KKTC) Akdeniz’de yer alan dünyanın en büyük üçüncü adası Kıbrıs’ta bulunmaktadır. Ülkenin resmi dili Türkçe, başkenti Lefkoşa, Cumhurbaşkanı Ersin Tatar ve para birimi Türk Lirası’dır. Akdeniz ikliminin hakim olduğu bu ülkenin toplam yüz ölçümü 3.550 kilometrekaredir. Yunan mitolojisinde aşk tanrıçası Afrodit’in mekanı olan Kıbrıs’ta M.Ö. 10000 yıllarından beri yerleşim olduğu tahmin edilmektedir.

Doğa güzellikleri, tertemiz sahilleri, plajları ve sakin köyleriyle her yıl çok sayıda turist ağırlamakta olan Kıbrıs’ın en popüler bölgeleri arasında Avakas Gorge, Gavur Taşı, Girne Kalesi, Olimpos Tepesi, Limassol Marina, Cape Greco Milli Parkı, Millomeris Şelalesi ve Afrodit Hamamları sayılabilir.
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