Kıbrıs Red Hat Security: Identity Management and Authentication with Exam Classroom Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 4 Gün
  • Seviye: Expert

Configure and manage Red Hat Identity Management (IdM)

Red Hat Security: Identity Management and Active Directory Integration with exam (RH363) provides the skills to configure and manage IdM, the comprehensive Identity Management solution bundled with Red Hat® Enterprise Linux.

This course teaches you skills on the most requested Red Hat Identity Management (IdM) capabilities, including Active Directory trusts, multi-product federation, configuration management with Ansible, integrated certificate management, single sign-on, one-time passwords, and cybersecurity policy conformance.

Course content summary

  • Install Red Hat Identity Management servers, replicas, and clients.
  • Configure and manage Kerberos authentication and secure services.
  • Create and manage a trust relationship with Microsoft Active Directory.
  • Configure highly secure user authentication—local and remote—including two-factor authentication.
  • Manage secrets, vaults, certificates, and keys.
  • Troubleshoot identity management processes.
  • Integrate Satellite 6 with IdM.
  • Integrate Tower with IdM.
  • Configure IdM backup and recovery.

Audience for this course

  • Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) who wants to learn how to provision and configure IdM technologies across both Linux and Windows applications
  • Identity management specialist or engineer
  • Access management specialist or engineer
  • Web application developer
  • DevOps specialist
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Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz.


  • Be certified as a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) (required)
  • Be certified as a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) (recommended, but not required)
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Neler Öğreneceksiniz

Impact on the organization

Businesses will be able to integrate and centralize lifecycle management and security policy implementation and enforcement, as well as to extend that consolidated management to additional enterprise configuration management products from the Red Hat portfolio, including Red Hat Ansible Tower and Red Hat Satellite Server.

Red Hat has created this course in a way intended to benefit our customers, but each company and infrastructure is unique, and actual results or benefits may vary.

Impact on the individual

As a result of attending this course, you will gain an understanding of the architecture of an identity management realm and trusted relationships using both Red Hat Enterprise Linux Identity Management and Microsoft Active Directory. You will be able to create, manage, and troubleshoot user management structures, security policies, local and remote secure access methods, and implementation technologies such as Kerberos, PKI, and certificates.

You should be able to demonstrate these skills:

  • Create and manage a scalable, resilient Identity Management realm, including both Linux and Microsoft Windows clients and servers.
  • Create and manage secure access configurations, including managing and troubleshooting Kerberos, certificate servers, and access control policies.
  • Integrate IdM as the back end for other major enterprise tools in the Red Hat portfolio, including Satellite Server and Tower.
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Install Red Hat Identity Management

Describe and install Red Hat Identity Management (IdM).

Centralize Identity Management

Explain the IdM server services, explore IdM clients access methods, and install an IdM client.

Authenticate identities with Kerberos

Define the Kerberos protocol and configure services for Kerberos authentication.

Integrate IdM with Active Directory

Create a trust relationship with Active Directory.

Control user access

Configure users for authorized access to services and resources.

Manage a public key infrastructure

Manage certificate authorities, certificates, and storing secrets.

Maintain IdM operations

Troubleshoot and recover Identity Management.

Integrate Red Hat products with IdM

Configure major services to share the IdM authentication database.

Install scalable IdM

Construct a resilient and scalable Identity Management topology.

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Red Hat Security: Identity Management and Authentication with Exam Classroom Eğitimi Kıbrıs

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