This NCSC Certified training course offers a blended learning experience combining the Avatao platform with specialist content from our world-renowned Secure Coding partner Scademy.
Writing web applications in Java can be rather complex – reasons range from dealing with legacy technologies or underdocumented third-party components to sharp deadlines and code maintainability. Yet, beyond all that, what if we told you that attackers were trying to break into your code right now? How likely would they be to succeed?
This course will change the way you look at your Java code. We'll teach you the common weaknesses and their consequences that can allow hackers to attack your system, and – more importantly – best practices you can apply to protect yourself. We cover typical Web vulnerabilities with a focus on how they affect Java web apps on the entire stack – from the Java runtime environment to modern AJAX and HTML5-based frontends. In addition, we discuss the security aspects of the Java platform itself as well as typical Java programming mistakes you need to be aware of. We present the entire course through live practical exercises to keep it engaging and fun.
Writing secure code will give you a distinct edge over your competitors. It is your choice to be ahead of the pack – take a step and be a game-changer in the fight against cybercrime.
Topics include:
Learners get two weeks access to the Avatao platform to practice what they have learnt in the classroom.
Note: This course comes with a number of easy-to-understand exercises providing real-time ethical hacking fun. By accomplishing these exercises with the support of the trainer, participants can analyze vulnerable code snippets and commit attacks against them in order to fully understand the root causes of certain security problems. All exercises are prepared in a plug-and-play manner by using a pre-set desktop virtual machine, which provides a uniform development environment.
IT security and secure coding
Web application security
Client-side security
Foundations of Java security
Practical cryptography
Java security services
Day 3
Common coding errors and vulnerabilities
Principles of security and secure coding
Knowledge sources
This is a NCSC Certified Training Course. The exam is a Proctor-U APMG exam for the Certificate , which will be taken by delegates in their own time after the course. Delegates will receive individual emails to access their AMPG candidate portal, typically available two weeks post exam.
Learners get two weeks access to the Avatao digital platform to practice what they have learnt in the classroom.
SCADEMY works together with security specialists since 2014 in order to spread the word worldwide that secure coding is something that all developers who work with source code must be aware of. One of our senior trainers, Sandor Kardos is with SCADEMY since the beginning, and he has delivered the highest number of security training courses among our team of trainers. With seven years of experience as a senior trainer he became an expert in IT Security. With security breaches occurring throughout the world, there is much need to learn about Web security and secure coding. Sandor is one of the best instructors, who is up to date, thoughtful and delivers fabulous courses – as one of his ex-students evaluated his performance after the course.
Since his childhood, Sandor has been extremely interested in computers. He started to read a book about programming when he was 13, and he learned assembly coding just by himself. He now holds a degree in Computer Science from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), and he also was a PhD student at the same university. After finishing his studies, Sandor worked as a research fellow, and published several research papers in the field of wireless communication (Bluetooth), TCP/IP, and ISP pricing. He also worked as a lecturer at BUTE, teaching subjects like Traffic Information Technology, C/C++ programming and Relational Database Handling. Software development also played an important role in Sandor’s professional life. He participated in different interesting projects like creating a pothole locator app for the Hungarian Public Roads company, an NFC-payment app, an insurance claims manager app, and a barcode validator app for major companies in Hungary. He also was the lead developer for the Android Smartbank application of the largest and oldest Bank in Hungary, OTP Bank. For the last 8 years he has fully dedicated himself to teaching. He has delivered courses all over the world: from Canada to China with great success.
Sandor’s passion is teaching. He really has a talent for education, and he enjoys explaining complex concepts clearly. He is the kind of person who always strives to find the most effective ways to transfer knowledge. Regarding IT Security, his favourite subjects are secure coding and cryptography. Sandor is also passionate about artificial intelligence. Technology must serve our daily life and make it smoother and easier – this is his motto. When not engaged in teaching, Sandor is thinking about creating intelligent machines that can help people and make our life easier.
Join our public courses in our France facilities. Private class trainings will be organized at the location of your preference, according to your schedule.
Our trainer was very good. He answered all of my questions - even during breaks. I am also satisfied with the lab environment, I think I would like to attend other virtual trainings as well.
The trainer explained the subject very well, training went well - beyond my expectations. I would like to attend his other trainings at online classrooms as well.