C++ Primer Training in France

  • Learn via: Classroom / Virtual Classroom / Online
  • Duration: 1 Day
  • Price: Please contact for booking options

C++ is undoubtedly one of the most widely-used programming language for implementing object-oriented systems. The C++ language is based on the popular C language. The C++ Primer course provides an initial practical and theoretical coverage of the C++ language for the in-experienced application programmer. It helps eliminate misconceptions and poor programming practices that can cause so many problems, by focusing on features of the language which enforce good practice and encourage clear and robust code.

Absolutely no language knowledge is expected and with much 'hands-on' time available and an excellent environment (Microsoft Visual Studio) the course provides an excellent overview for technical managers and team leaders.

This is a highly practical course which uses a mix of tuition and practical sessions for each technical chapter designed to reinforce the C++ syntax and object-oriented programming techniques covered in the course.

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We can host this training at your preferred location.


  • Those requiring an introduction to the C++ programming language only, i.e. programmers, team leaders, managers
  • Those with at least 3 months experience in one or more of Javascript, Pascal, Visual Basic/FORTRAN/COBOL or other languages such as PL/1, Modula, Forth, Prolog are overqualified for this course and should attend QA's Programming in C++ course instead.
  • Delegates with Java or C# experience should attend QA's C++ Programming for Java and C# Developers course instead.

Please note: Before attending this class delegates must have a Microsoft account (signing up one is free). The instructions on how to set up a Microsoft account can be found here.

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What You Will Learn

At the end of this course you will be able to understand:

  • The key concepts and vocabulary of object orientation
  • How to use fundamental and composite data types
  • How to define and use classe
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  • Course Introduction
  • C++ Programing
  • Numeric Data Types
  • Text Data Types
  • Control Flow
  • Functions
  • Grouping Data
  • Using Classes
  • Implementing Classes
  • Program Organisation
  • the Road Ahead
  • Object Concepts
  • Pointers
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Contact us for more detail about our trainings and for all other enquiries!

Avaible Training Dates

Join our public courses in our France facilities. Private class trainings will be organized at the location of your preference, according to your schedule.

13 mars 2025 (1 Day)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
26 avril 2025 (1 Day)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
27 avril 2025 (1 Day)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
06 mai 2025 (1 Day)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
12 mai 2025 (1 Day)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
11 juin 2025 (1 Day)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
15 juin 2025 (1 Day)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
16 juin 2025 (1 Day)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
C++ Primer Training Course in France

The French Republic, or République Française, is a country of northwestern Europe. Having suitable agricultural lands, more than half of the land, makes France Europe's most important agricultural producer. The country's capital and the largest city is Paris. Other major and famous cities are Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Lille, Bordeaux, and Nice.

France is a popular destination for tourists. While you can skii at the Alps, Côte d'Azur is a perfect destination in spring and summer time. The country attracts millions of tourists also during the Cannes Festival time. The Cannes Film Festival, is an annual film festival held in Cannes, a city located on the French Riviera, which previews new films of all genres from all around the world.

Bilginç IT Academy is committed to aligning with the demands of France, utilizing state-of-the-art training methodologies. Discover a wide selection of Certification Exam preparation courses and accredited corporate training offerings in our catalog, designed to reshape your perspective on IT training.
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