Querying SQL Databases using T-SQL Training in France

  • Learn via: Classroom
  • Duration: 2 Days
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Price: Please contact for booking options

This course will provide you with the basic knowledge and skills to create queries using Transact-SQL. It will teach you how to select, filter and sort data from multiple tables and how to use views and stored procedures.

Target Audience

IT Professionals who will be writing queries for use with Microsoft SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014 and 2016. Non-technical 'power users' will also benefit from the course if they are comfortable using sophisticated software tools like SQL Server Management Studio.

The course is aimed at both non-technical 'power users' and IT Professionals who will be writing queries for use with Microsoft SQL Server.

Please note - Delegates attending an Extended Classroom delivery will need access to a second monitor.

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We can host this training at your preferred location.


There are no technical pre-requisites for this course and it assumes no prior knowledge of SQL Server.

Virtual Classroom

For learners attending remotely via any virtual classroom, an additional screen is required for this course to work through remote desktop labs and view training information. A remote Desktop will be provided using GoToMyPC or LearnOnDemand.

The additional screen must have a minimum screen size of 19 inch and minimum resolution of 1280x1024, with the vertical resolution (1024) being the most critical.

If you have questions,contact our Virtual team.

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What You Will Learn

Where possible, our experienced trainers will take the time to discuss the how and where to use each aspect of TSQL covered in the course.

  • Accessing the TSQL language using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  • Getting to use SSMS to write TSQL to write queries using a single table
  • Using more than one table using joins such as inner, outer and cross
  • Applying filters to the output to reduce the number of rows returned
  • Analysing data to return aggregated results using group by and a few functions
  • Using functions to convert and cast the data between data types.

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Module 1: Introduction to T-SQL

This module provides essential background information on Relational Database Management Systems and Microsoft SQL Server and introduces the main tool that will be used throughout the course - SQL Server Management Studio.

Lab :

  • Familiarize yourself with SSMS
  • Introduction to the Query Editor

Module 2: Retrieving Data

This module describes the fundamental part of a T-SQL query: the SELECT statement.

Lab :

  • Basic Select statements
  • Using expressions in Select lists

Module 3: Filtering Rows

This module describes how you can filter unwanted data out of your results using the WHERE clause.

Lab :

  • Basic equality filters
  • Basic comparisons
  • Logical comparisons
  • String comparisons
  • NULL comparisons

Module 4: Sorting returned rows

This module describes how to use the ORDER BY clause of a query to manage the order in which rows are returned.

Lab :

  • Basic sorting
  • Sorting on expressions
  • Unique rows
  • Limiting results

Module 5: Grouping and Aggregating data

This module describes how to use the aggregate functions of SQL to calculate results for a number of records at a time and how to group results into a series of values. Finally, it describes how to filter the grouped values.

Lab :

  • Single aggregates

Module 6: Using multiple tables

This module describes how to use JOIN clauses to retrieve data from multiple tables. It also covers the UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT keywords

Lab :

  • Inner joins
  • Outer joins
  • Unions

Module 7: Using Views and Stored Procedures

This module provides an introduction to the benefits of using pre-written queries which have been stored in the database.

Lab :

  • Using views
  • Using stored procedures

Module 8: Common Functions

This module introduces you to some of the basic text, date and null-value manipulation functions that are built in to SQL Server.

Lab :

  • Text functions
  • Date functions
  • NULL functions
  • Formatting dates

Appendix : Modifying Data

If time allows and if enough delegates express an interest in the topic, this module gives a brief introduction to INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements.

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Training Reviews

Contact us for more detail about our trainings and for all other enquiries!

Avaible Training Dates

Join our public courses in our France facilities. Private class trainings will be organized at the location of your preference, according to your schedule.

03 avril 2025 (2 Days)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
24 avril 2025 (2 Days)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
04 mai 2025 (2 Days)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
08 mai 2025 (2 Days)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
19 mai 2025 (2 Days)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
24 mai 2025 (2 Days)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
27 mai 2025 (2 Days)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
30 juin 2025 (2 Days)
Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nice
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
Querying SQL Databases using T-SQL Training Course in France

The French Republic, or République Française, is a country of northwestern Europe. Having suitable agricultural lands, more than half of the land, makes France Europe's most important agricultural producer. The country's capital and the largest city is Paris. Other major and famous cities are Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Lille, Bordeaux, and Nice.

France is a popular destination for tourists. While you can skii at the Alps, Côte d'Azur is a perfect destination in spring and summer time. The country attracts millions of tourists also during the Cannes Festival time. The Cannes Film Festival, is an annual film festival held in Cannes, a city located on the French Riviera, which previews new films of all genres from all around the world.

Bilginç IT Academy is committed to aligning with the demands of France, utilizing state-of-the-art training methodologies. Discover a wide selection of Certification Exam preparation courses and accredited corporate training offerings in our catalog, designed to reshape your perspective on IT training.
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