Our SolarWinds Advanced Platform Administration class is tailor-made for seasoned SolarWinds administrators seeking to elevate their expertise.
Designed for those with a minimum of one year of hands-on SolarWinds experience or graduates of our Loop1 SolarWinds Platform Administration class, this class assumes a foundational knowledge of element polling and web console navigation.
Delve into advanced deployment architecture, database architecture and maintenance. Explore high-availability, custom device polling, advanced Structured Query Language (SQL) and SolarWinds Query Language (SWQL) widget customization, and the intricacies of crafting advanced alerts with variable parameters. Master the art of crafting advanced reports using SQL and SWQL. While previous SQL or SWQL experience is advantageous, it's not mandatory to excel in this class.
Students who want to elevate their SolarWinds skills and prepare to tackle advanced platform administration challenges with confidence and expertise.
Advanced deployment architecture, database architecture and maintenance.
This comprehensive class covers the following SolarWinds modules:
Elevate your SolarWinds skills and prepare to tackle advanced platform administration challenges with confidence and expertise.
Join our public courses in our France facilities. Private class trainings will be organized at the location of your preference, according to your schedule.