What is Scrum?

Scrum is an agile framework for managing and delivering complex projects. It was initially introduced in the software development industry but has since been applied to various fields. Scrum provides a lightweight, iterative, and collaborative approach to project management, enabling teams to deliver high-quality products or complete projects efficiently.

Key elements of the Scrum framework include:

  • Sprints: Projects are divided into fixed-duration iterations called sprints, typically lasting 1-4 weeks. Each sprint aims to deliver a potentially shippable increment of the product.
  • Product Backlog: The product backlog is a prioritized list of all the features, requirements, enhancements, and bug fixes that need to be addressed. It serves as the primary source of work for the Scrum team.
  • Sprint Planning: At the beginning of each sprint, the Scrum team collaborates with the product owner to select a set of backlog items to work on during the sprint. The team determines how much work can be done and creates a sprint backlog.
  • Daily Scrum: Daily Scrum, also known as a daily stand-up, is a short daily meeting where the Scrum team synchronizes their activities. Each team member answers three questions: What have I done since the last meeting? What am I planning to do next? Are there any impediments or challenges?
  • Sprint Review: At the end of each sprint, the Scrum team showcases the completed work to stakeholders in a sprint review meeting. Feedback is gathered, and any necessary adjustments are made to the product backlog.
  • Sprint Retrospective: Following the sprint review, the Scrum team holds a retrospective meeting to reflect on the sprint process and identify improvements for the next sprint. It allows the team to continually enhance their productivity and efficiency.
  • Scrum Roles: Scrum defines three core roles: the product owner, the Scrum Master, and the development team. The product owner represents the stakeholders and ensures the product backlog is prioritized. The Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum process and supports the team. The development team is responsible for delivering the product increment.
  • Scrum Artifacts: Scrum employs various artifacts to support transparency and effective collaboration. The main artifacts include the product backlog, sprint backlog, and the burndown chart, which visualizes the remaining work throughout the sprint.

Scrum promotes autonomy, cross-functional collaboration, and iterative development. It encourages project flexibility, adaptation, and ongoing improvement. Scrum principles enable teams to respond to changing requirements swiftly, produce value progressively, and achieve customer satisfaction.

Scrum Teams

A Scrum team is a group of individuals who work together to deliver a software product or complete a project using the Scrum framework, which is an agile methodology for software development. The team is typically cross-functional, meaning it includes members with different skills and expertise necessary to accomplish the project goals.

A Scrum Team usually consists of five to eleven individuals who collaborate and distribute tasks to ensure successful project or product delivery. This group comprises self-motivated individuals who work together towards a shared goal. Effective communication is essential among team members, fostering alignment and maintaining a culture of mutual respect. They adhere to a common set of norms and rules that guide their collaboration. Transparency, adaptation, and inspection form the foundational pillars of a Scrum Team, promoting openness, the ability to adjust, and continuous evaluation of their work.


Let's use a football team as a metaphor to understand the concept of a Scrum team:

Team Structure: In a football team, you have different positions such as forwards, midfielders, defenders, and a goalkeeper. Similarly, in a Scrum team, you have members with diverse roles, such as developers, testers, designers, and a Scrum Master.

Collaboration: A football team works together collaboratively to score goals and win matches. Similarly, a Scrum team collaborates to achieve the project's objectives, working together towards a common goal.

Self-Organization: In both cases, the team is responsible for organizing itself and making decisions to achieve success. In football, players communicate, strategize, and adjust their gameplay on the field. In Scrum, the team collectively determines how to best accomplish the work during the sprint.

Adaptability: A football team adjusts its strategies during a match based on the opponent's tactics or changing circumstances. Likewise, a Scrum team embraces adaptability by continuously inspecting and adapting its approach through regular meetings like the Daily Scrum and Sprint Retrospective.

Empowerment: Football teams rely on individual players' skills and allow them the freedom to make decisions on the field. Similarly, Scrum teams are empowered to self-organize and make decisions regarding their work, which promotes a sense of ownership and accountability.

Roles: Just as a football team has a coach who guides and supports the players, a Scrum team has a Scrum Master who serves as a facilitator, coach, and protector of the Scrum framework. Additionally, the Product Owner acts as the liaison between the team and stakeholders, similar to a team captain who communicates with the coach and referees.

Top 10 Scrum Courses

Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Training

Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO) Training

Professional Scrum Master (PSM) Training

Professional Scrum Foundations (PSF) Training

Scrum Alliance Certified Product Owner Training

Working as a Scrum Master in Agile Teams Training

Understanding Agile and Scrum Training

Managing Projects in Agile with Scrum Training

SAFe® Scrum Master Training

Business Analysis in an Agile (Scrum) Environment Training

How do you structure a Scrum team?

Structuring a Scrum team involves considering several key aspects to ensure effective collaboration and successful project delivery. Here are the elements to consider when structuring a Scrum team:

  1. Cross-Functional Skills: A Scrum team should be composed of members with diverse skills and expertise necessary to deliver the project. This includes developers, testers, designers, and any other roles specific to the project's requirements.
  2. Size and Composition: The ideal Scrum team size is typically between five to nine members, although it can go up to eleven. Smaller teams facilitate better communication and coordination. The team should have the necessary expertise and be adequately resourced to complete the work.
  3. Dedicated Team: It is recommended to have a dedicated Scrum team solely focused on the project. This allows team members to fully commit their time and effort, enhancing productivity and collaboration.
  4. Product Owner: The Scrum team should have a dedicated Product Owner who represents the stakeholders and acts as the primary point of contact for clarifying requirements, prioritizing the backlog, and ensuring alignment with the project goals.
  5. Scrum Master: The Scrum team also requires a Scrum Master who serves as a facilitator, coach, and guardian of the Scrum framework. The Scrum Master supports the team in adopting and implementing Scrum practices, removing impediments, and fostering a productive work environment.
  6. Self-Organization: The Scrum team should have the autonomy and authority to self-organize. They decide how to best accomplish the work, distribute tasks, and make decisions collectively. Self-organization promotes engagement, ownership, and accountability within the team.
  7. Stable Team Membership: Stability in team membership is beneficial for building trust, collaboration, and effective communication. Minimizing frequent changes to the team structure allows members to develop a shared understanding and work cohesively.
  8. Collaborative Workspace: Physical or virtual, the team should have a collaborative workspace that facilitates communication, transparency, and information sharing. This can include tools for managing the product backlog, tracking progress, and promoting effective collaboration.
  9. Effective Communication: Open and transparent communication is essential within the Scrum team. Regular meetings such as Daily Scrums, sprint planning sessions, sprint reviews, and retrospectives ensure alignment, coordination, and continuous improvement.
    Communicate Effectively Training
  10. Shared Responsibility: The Scrum team collectively shares the responsibility for the project's success. They work collaboratively, support each other, and actively participate in decision-making processes to achieve the project goals.

Take advantage of our extensive 30 years of experience in corporate training to build or enhance your Scrum team. Reach out to us today and unlock the potential for success in your organization.


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