What is React JS?

React JS is a powerful JavaScript library used by developers to build user interfaces for web applications. It was initially created by Facebook in 2011 to improve the performance of their website, and it has since gained widespread adoption by developers worldwide. One of the key advantages of React JS is its virtual DOM, which allows it to efficiently update the user interface without needing to reload the entire page. Additionally, React JS makes it easy to create reusable components, which can help simplify complex codebases and make development faster and more efficient.

React JS is also known for its ease of use, making it an excellent choice for beginners who want to learn how to build web applications. In this article, we'll introduce you to some of the basic concepts of React JS, including components, JSX, props, and state. We'll also provide some resources to help you get started with learning React JS, including popular online courses and tips for practicing your coding skills. Whether you're new to web development or looking to expand your skills, React JS is a powerful tool that can help you create dynamic, responsive web applications that engage users and enhance their experience.


Advantages to using React JS to build web applications:

React JS is a powerful tool for building user interfaces that are fast, efficient, and responsive. Its virtual DOM, reusable components, ease of use, and supportive community make it a popular choice for developers of all levels. Here are some advantages that may convince you to learn React JS:

Virtual DOM: React JS uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to efficiently update the user interface. The virtual DOM is a lightweight copy of the actual DOM, which allows React to make changes to the user interface without reloading the entire page. This makes the user experience smoother and more responsive.

Reusable components: React JS allows developers to create reusable components, which are small, independent pieces of code that can be used in multiple places throughout an application. This makes it easier to manage complex codebases and reduces the amount of code that needs to be written, making development faster and more efficient.

Easy to learn: React JS has a relatively shallow learning curve compared to other front-end frameworks, making it a popular choice for beginners. Its syntax is similar to HTML, which many developers are already familiar with, and its component-based architecture is intuitive and easy to understand.

Developer tools: React JS also offers a range of developer tools that can help streamline the development process, including:

  • React Developer Tools: This is a browser extension that allows developers to inspect and debug React component hierarchies in the Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers. It provides an easy-to-use interface for analyzing and manipulating components, props, and state.
  • Redux DevTools: Redux is a popular state management library for React JS applications, and Redux DevTools is a browser extension that helps developers debug and test Redux applications. It provides a powerful set of tools for analyzing and manipulating the state of a Redux store.
  • React Profiler: This is a built-in tool in React JS that helps developers identify performance bottlenecks in their applications. It provides detailed information about how components are rendering and how long it takes to update the user interface.
  • ESLint: This is a popular linter tool that helps ensure code consistency and catch common errors in React JS code. It can be customized to enforce specific coding standards and best practices, making it an essential tool for maintaining code quality.

Open source: React JS is an open-source project. It was initially developed by Facebook, but it has since been released under an open-source license and is maintained by a community of developers. This means that anyone can use, modify, and distribute React JS for free, subject to the terms of the license. The open-source nature of React JS has helped to fuel its popularity and has led to the creation of many additional libraries, tools, and resources that extend its functionality and make it easier to use. 

Large community: React JS has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its ongoing development and provide support and resources for beginners. This community has created a wealth of documentation, tutorials, and open-source libraries that make it easier to learn and use React JS.

Basic Concepts of React JS

Here are some of the basic concepts of React JS that every beginner should understand:

Components: Components are the building blocks of React JS applications. A component is a small, independent piece of code that defines a specific part of the user interface. Components can be combined to create complex user interfaces, and they can be reused in multiple places throughout an application.

JSX: JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows developers to write HTML-like code in their JavaScript files. It's similar to a template language, but instead of using a separate syntax, JSX allows developers to write code that looks like HTML directly in their JavaScript files.

Here is an example of React JSX:

const element = <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;

In this example, we're creating a new element that represents an h1 heading with the text "Hello, world!". This element can be rendered to the DOM using React's rendering functions.

JSX has a few key benefits:

  • Familiar syntax: If you're familiar with HTML, then JSX should be easy to pick up. The syntax is very similar, which makes it easy to read and write.
  • Improved performance: Because JSX is compiled to JavaScript, it can be optimized by tools like Babel to generate faster and more efficient code.
  • Reduced code complexity: By allowing developers to write HTML-like code directly in their JavaScript files, JSX can help reduce the complexity of React applications and make them easier to read and maintain.

Props: Props (short for "properties") are a way of passing data from one component to another. They are similar to function arguments in that they allow developers to pass values from a parent component to a child component.

State: State is a JavaScript object that represents the current state of a component. It can be updated dynamically and when it changes, React automatically re-renders the component to reflect the new state. State is used to manage dynamic data in React JS applications and  it allows developers to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces. In React JS, state is often used in conjunction with props to manage the data flow between components. Props are used to pass data down from a parent component to a child component, while state is used to manage the data within a component itself.

Developers may build straightforward React JS applications and start exploring more complex features and functionality by grasping these fundamental ideas. These ideas are also essential to comprehending how React JS functions and can assist programmers in creating scalable, effective, and maintainable programs.

What is React JS Map?

In React JS, the map()  function is used to loop over an array of data and return a new array with modified data. The  map()  function is a built-in JavaScript function, but it's commonly used in React JS applications to generate dynamic lists of data.

Here's an example of how  map()  can be used in a React component:

function MyComponent(props) {

  const names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"];

  const items = names.map((name) => <li>{name}</li>);

  return <ul>{items}</ul>;


In this example, we are creating a new array called  items by mapping over the  names array using the map()  function. For each name in the names array, we're returning a new <li> element with the name as its text content. Finally, we're rendering the items array as an unordered list.

Using map() in this way allows us to generate dynamic lists of data without having to manually write out each item. Instead, we can define a template for each item using JSX and let map() generate the final list for us.

So, map() is a powerful tool for generating dynamic lists of data in React JS applications. By using map() to transform data, developers can create reusable and flexible components that can display a wide range of information in a user-friendly way.


Tips for Learning React JS

These tips are great for new beginners!

Start with the basics:

When learning React JS, it's important to start with the fundamentals. This means learning how to create components, use state and props, and render elements to the DOM. Once you have a solid understanding of these concepts, you can move on to more advanced topics like managing state with Redux, working with APIs, and creating reusable components.

Some resources for learning the basics of React JS include the official React documentation, online tutorials and courses, and books on the subject. It's also helpful to practice writing code and experimenting with different features and techniques.

Don't forget to explore our Online Academy page to find free online courses. We offer free documents on this page, you can download this e-books for free as PDF files!

Follow along with tutorials: 

There are many online tutorials and courses that can help you learn React JS. Follow along with a tutorial to get a better understanding of how React JS works.


The best way to learn React JS is to practice writing code. Build small projects and try to implement different features and techniques. They're a great way to practice writing React code and gain hands-on experience building real applications.

Here are three small projects that are great for beginners learning React JS:

  • To-Do List App: A to-do list app is a classic beginner project that can help you learn the basics of React JS. You can create a simple app that allows users to add, delete, and edit tasks. You can also use local storage to save the tasks so that they persist even after the user refreshes the page.
  • Weather App: A weather app is another great project for beginners. You can use an API like OpenWeatherMap to fetch weather data and display it in your app. You can also add features like searching for a specific location, displaying the current weather and forecast, and allowing users to toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius.
  • Quiz App: A quiz app is a fun and interactive project that can help you learn more advanced React JS concepts like routing and state management. You can create a quiz that asks users a series of questions and displays their score at the end. You can also add features like timed questions and the ability to save and share scores.

Use React developer tools:

React developer tools are a set of browser extensions and tools that can help you debug and understand your React applications. They allow you to inspect the component hierarchy, view the props and state of each component, and see how changes in state or props affect the rendering of the application.

Some popular React developer tools include the React Developer Tools browser extension, the React Profiler tool, and the React Testing Library. These tools can help you identify and fix issues in your code, optimize your application's performance, and gain a deeper understanding of how React works.

Join the React community: 

The React community is large and welcoming. Join online forums and communities to connect with other developers and learn from their experiences. You can find a list of React-related communuties that you can be a part of, on this page.

Let's wrap it up!

In conclusion, React JS is a powerful and popular JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces. With its intuitive component-based architecture, efficient rendering, and large ecosystem of developer tools and resources, React JS is a great choice for web developers looking to create scalable and interactive applications.

If you're interested in learning more about React JS, there are many resources available, from online courses and tutorials to books and documentation. Enrolling in a comprehensive React JS course can be an excellent way to accelerate your learning and gain hands-on experience building real-world applications.

At Bilginç IT Academy, we offer a range of React JS courses designed for beginners and experienced developers alike. Our courses cover everything from the basics of React JS to more advanced topics like Redux and server-side rendering. With our expert instructors and practical, project-based approach, you'll gain the skills and confidence you need to build powerful React JS applications.

So why wait? Enroll in one of our React JS courses today and take your web development skills to the next level! Contact us today and let's find the right React JS course for you together. 


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React JS is a JavaScript library used for building web applications, while React Native is a framework for building mobile applications using JavaScript and React. While React JS is designed for building web interfaces, React Native allows developers to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android using a similar component-based approach. This means that developers can reuse much of their React JS code when building mobile applications with React Native, but will also need to learn the specific platform differences and limitations. Overall, React JS and React Native are both powerful tools for building modern, dynamic applications, but they serve different purposes and require different skillsets.

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