What is an IBM MQ cluster?; What an MQ cluster is not; Cloned application services; Continuous putting; Scalability; Cluster components; Reduced administration; Joining a Queue Manager to a cluster; Definition through use; Disseminating cluster information; Cluster information message contents; Retention of information in repositories; Dynamically created reply to queues.
Definition, Administration and ManagementBasic cluster configuration; Cluster administration commands; DISPLAY CLUSQMGR; DISPLAY QCLUSTER; SUSPEND QMGR; RESUME QMGR; REFRESH CLUSTER; RESET CLUSTER; Cluster management tasks; Removing a cluster queue from the cluster; Moving a full repository; Removing a Queue Manager from the cluster.
TroubleshootingCommon symptoms and problems; Retrying CLUSSDR channel; SYSTEM.TEMP CLUSQMGR names; Unknown Object Name (RC 2085); Cluster resolution error (RC 2189); DISPLAY CLUSQMGR displays a Queue Manager twice.
Workload ManagementWorkload management before Version 6; Workload management options since V6; CLWLUSEQ(ANY); CLWLRANK; CLWLPRTY; CLWLMRUC; CLWLWGHT; NETPRTY; The workload management algorithm; What happens when a target queue is unavailable?; BIND Options; DEFBIND, DEFPRTY and DEFPSIST.
Clustering and Distributed QueuingAliases revisited: Queue Manager aliases, queue aliases; Using queue aliases in clusters; Gateways; Accessing an individual queue outside the cluster; Accessing all queues owned by an external Queue Manager; Accessing external predefined queues via a QM alias; Accessing an individual queue inside the cluster; Accessing all of a cluster Queue Managers' queues; Workload management from outside the cluster.
Overlapping ClustersWhat are overlapping clusters?; Definitions for overlapping clusters; Putting across the cluster boundary.
Publish/Subscribe ClustersMQ Publish/Subscribe; Distributed publish/subscribe; Hierarchies and clusters; Proxy subscriptions in clusters; Publish/Subscribe clusters: recommendations.
SecurityStopping unauthorized Queue Managers connecting to your Queue Manager; Stopping unauthorized Queue Managers putting messages on your queues; Authorizing putting messages to remote cluster queues; Preventing Queue Managers joining a cluster; Forcing unwanted Queue Managers to leave a cluster; SSL and clusters.
Recommendations, Best Practices and HintsTen tips for a healthy MQ cluster; Why exactly two full repositories?; Dedicated servers for full repositories; Only one manually defined CLUSSDR; Naming channels.
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