Many institutions have been adding a Linux machine to their existing infrastructure: perhaps to give developers a platform of their choice, or to provide an alternative to a network server, or to introduce an additional piece to the security jigsaw.
Target Audience:
This 1-day event is targeted at people that are considering the transfer of their computer skills from variety of operating systems to Linux.
The course is also suitable as a high-level overview of Linux for decision makers, system analysts and other professionals trying to position Linux in the contemporary computer industry.
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What You Will Learn
At the end of this course you will be able to:
- Place Linux in the server and desktop IT market
- Understand origins of Linux and role of Linux distributors
- Describe open source development model
- Discuss the platforms and hardware supported by Linux kernel
- Interrogate and manipulate Linux processes
- Perform simple instructions at both graphical and command line interfaces
- Understand the client/server nature of X Window System and X applications
- Appreciate the power of Linux data manipulation tools and techniques
- Use redirection and piping techniques
- Use basic network communication tools
- Obtain on-line help for commands and configuration
- Be aware of other sources of help - community, magazines, books, LUGs
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- Linux? Why?
- Unix Market and place for Linux within it
- OSS (Open Source Software) principles
- GNU GPL and Linux philosophy
- Linux distributors
A Session with Linux
- Character interface
- Working with the command line
- Examples of simple commands
- The X Windows system; Graphical interface
- Linux Windows Managers
- Login procedure
Hardware and Architecture
- Types of platforms Linux will run on
- Minimum hardware requirements; Supported devices
- Motherboards, disks, video cards, printers, mouse
- Ethernet cards and modems; Laptops specifics
- Linux kernel and system architecture
- Configuring the kernel; Dynamic loading of kernel modules
Processes and Memory Management
- Processes
- Types of process
- Scheduling
- Interprocess communication
- Memory handling
- System initialisation
Tools and Utilities
- Principles of Linux tools
- System examination utilities
- Common data utilities
- Redirection
- Pipes
Linux in a TCP/IP Network
- Internet and Linux
- TCP/IP as the network protocol
- TCP/IP interrogation tools
- User commands
- Linux as a network server
Linux and Applications
- DOS Utilities within Linux
- Unix Market and place for Linux within it
- Software Emulators
- Linux Databases
- End-user applications
- Inter-operability with other operating systems
- Open Software projects and initiatives
Getting Help
- On-Line manual pages
- Gnome Help Browser
- Exploring the system
- Locating documentation; on-line FAQ files
- Getting help on the Internet
- Distributor sites
- Magazines, books
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