Introduction; Structure of a job; Job processing in z/OS; JOB output; JCL statement types; JCL statement format and coding rules; JCL operand types: Positional parameters, Keyword parameters, Sub-parameters; JCL summary; JCL error points.
JES Control StatementsIntroduction; Why have a Job Entry Sub-system?; JES historical requirements; JES2 versus JES3; JES2 processing overview; JES3 processing overview; Placement of JES2 statements; JES2 statement types; JES2 statement syntax; JES2 command statements.
JCL Command ProcessingIntroduction; Command authorisation; Internal Reader controls; z/OS command authorisation; z/OS command disposition; JES2 commands; z/OS commands; z/OS command groups: INFO, I/O, CONS, MASTER, SYS; COMMAND statement; Sample exploitation; JES2 Command and Internal Reader.
Remote Batch ExecutionIntroduction; Local versus Remote definition; Local processing; Remote processing (Remote Job Entry - RJE); Remote processing (Network Job Entry - NJE); Sysplex; JES2 control statements: /*XEQ, /*ROUTE XEQ, /*ROUTE, /*XMIT; Security and Remote Job Execution; RACF overview; Propagation or not; JOB statement parameters.
Output ProcessingIntroduction; Positioning on a page; Control characters; Forms Control Block; Impact of JOB statement on output processing; Accounting Information; JOB statement keywords; JES2 statements: /*JOBPARM; /*OUTPUT, /*ROUTE; DD statement keywords; DCB parameter and output processing; OUTPUT statement; Implicit statements; Explicit statements; OUTPUT statement parameters; Output routing; Using DEST on the DD statement; Using multiple OUTPUT statements; Printing before JOB end; Setting output defaults; Output processing options.
Partitioned Data Set Extended (PDSE)Introduction; 6.2 What is a PDS?; PDS disadvantages; What is a PDSE?; What are the advantages of a PDSE?; Types of PDSE; PDSE and BLKSIZE; PDSE concatenation; PDSE processing restrictions; Allocating a PDSE - IDCAMS; Allocating a PDSE via JCL; Migrating load modules to program objects.
z/OS DFP UtilitiesWhat is a utility program?; Data Facility Product (DFP); DFP Utilities; DFP - system utilities; General overview; Standard DD statements; IEHINITT; IEHINITT control statement; IEHLIST; IEHMOVE; IEHPROGM; IFHSTATR; DFP - Data Set Utilities; General overview; Standard DD statements; IEBCOMPR; IEBCOPY; COPY operation; Partial copy; IEBDG; DSD statement; FD statement; REPEAT statement; CREATE statement; IEBEDIT; IEBGENER and ICEGENER; IEBIMAGE; IEBISAM; IEBPTPCH; IEBUPDTE; Access Method Services - IDCAMS.
z/OS DFSMSdssIntroduction; Positioning DFSMSdss; Dataset compression; Defragmentation; Full volume dumping; Partial volume dumping; Restoring; Migrating program objects.
Advanced Catalogued ProceduresIntroduction; Why JCL procedures; What and where is a procedure library?; Procedure specific JCL statements; JCLLIB statement; Order of search; Security and 24 by 7 implications; Statements: PROC, PEND, INCLUDE, SET; Sample procedure; Started jobs; Benefits of procedures today.
DFSORTIntroduction; Data Facility/Sort; How Sort works; Sort phases; Control fields; Sort operation; Control statements; JCL requirements; Messages; Syntax; Sort fields specification; MERGE field specification; MODS specification; INCLUDE/OMIT specification; RECORD specification; OUTFIL specification; ALTSEQ specification; OUTREC specification; SUM specification; OPTION specification; Common format codes for control fields.
Inroduction to ICETOOLWhat does ICETOOL do ?; ICETOOL job format; Operator statement syntax; Comment statements; Return Codes.
Invoking ICETOOLInvoking ICETOOL directly; JCL requirements; Return Codes; Messages; Invoking ICETOOL from a program; TOOLIN interface; Parameter list interface; Explanation of fields; Statement Area Address and Statement Area; Return Area Address and Return Area; Examples.
Using Symbols for Fields and ConstantsField and Constant Symbols Overview; DFSORT Example; SYMNAMES DD statement; SYMNAMES statements; SYMNOUT DD statement; using symbols on DFSORT statements; using symbols on ICETOOL statements.
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