1) Practice!

 The Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam is a PRACTICE exam meaning you can’t just memorize theory to pass the exam, you need to actually have experience and practice working with Kubernetes. Instead of picking multiple choice answers you will have to solve tasks, showcasing your experience with the software. 

 The easiest way to ensure you’re ready for the exam is by participating in our various Kubernetes courses and working with our certified Kubernetes instructors who are here to help you every step of the way. If you are not sure which course is right for you, contact us today so our experts can help you determine the right path for you!


2) Don’t Memorize!  

 During the exam, you will have access to the Kubernetes website where you will have all the information you need. Instead of memorizing, understand the right concepts and know how to look up the correct information in the documentation. 


3) Know some Linux!

 It is very difficult to be a good Kubernetes Administrator without any knowledge of Linux. To ensure your success on the Kubernetes exam, it might be worthwhile to take a look at our Linux Fundamentals courses which will best prepare you to pass the exam. 


Is the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam difficult?

 No, to pass the CKA Exam you only need a score of 66% or above which isn’t difficult if you have practiced and prepared by participating in one of our Kubernetes courses. The exam is split into five categories which are taught in detail during our Kubernetes courses.    


How long is the CKA Exam?

 The exam consists of 24 questions lasting 180 minutes, giving you 7.5 minutes per question. However you only need a score of 66% or above to pass the exam, therefore you don’t need to answer every single question. 


We provide the booming tech sector of Russia our unmatched expertise and courses that are at the top of their fields. Our extensive selection of IT courses caters to computer aficionados around the nation, whether you're in the crowded streets of Moscow, the cultural melting pot of Saint Petersburg, or exploring the innovation centres of Novosibirsk and beyond. Additionally, we provide the chance for clients looking for a distinctive learning experience to join us in Istanbul. Istanbul is the ideal setting for you to develop your skills because it is a dynamic and alluring metropolis where East and West collide. To ensure a smooth and satisfying experience, we handle all the logistics, including planning your training, lodging, and other requirements. Our knowledgeable educators, who are famous for their extensive experience in the field, will lead you through immersive courses while equipping you with the newest tools and methods. Connect with professionals from various backgrounds, become a member of our global community of learners, and experience the transforming impact of our training solutions. As we combine the finest of Russia and Istanbul to advance your tech career, embark on a journey that crosses borders and broadens your perspectives.

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