Contrary to popular belief, Ruby is not a new programming language and it was designed by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995. Ruby is an object-oriented, powerful, dynamic and flexible programming language, which focuses on efficiency and simplicity. Open-sourced Ruby gives users complete freedom in areas such as use, copy and modification.

It’s known that the languages that Matsumoto was influenced by while designing the Ruby programming language are less known languages such as Ada, Perl, Lisp and Eiffel. Aiming to develop a more object-oriented language than Python, the Japanese software specialist has licensed this dynamic and reflective language under the GPL (GNU General Public License) and Ruby license.

Let’s take a look at Ruby’s features:

Object-oriented programming: Ruby sees everything as an object,

It gives the user complete freedom in the areas of use, copying, modification and distribution,

It is a flexible language; offers users the opportunity to change the parts they want,

4 different variables can be defined as global, class, instance and local,

Supports a flexible language feature thanks to blocks,

Error and exception handling is successful,

Offers high portability; It was originally developed for GNU/Linux but can run on operating systems such as UNIX, Windows MacOS, DOS,

Allows the loading and use of external dynamic libraries within the confines of the operating system,

It offers mark&sweep garbage collector for all its objects.

What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails (also referred to as Rails for short) is an open source fullstack web application development library written in the Ruby programming language. Rails contains all the components that developers who develop web applications will need and is based on the MVC (model-view-controller) architectural pattern, non-repetition (DRY) philosophy and convention over configuration principles.

Ruby on Rails developer is a web and mobile application development specialist responsible for writing codes for application development in the Ruby on Rails interface. Ruby on Rails developers may also work as software engineers, front-end developers or web developers.

Before starting to learn the Ruby software language, it is recommended to master other software languages, so if you are going to start software from scratch, Ruby will not be the right choice. Before learning Ruby, it would be a right step to gain 3 years of experience in one or more of Java, Python or C# languages. As Bilginç IT Academy, we have trained the software developers of many companies that need Ruby programming language and we have perfected our training content over the years. If you want to introduce your software team to Ruby, you can browse our Ruby Programming course content by clicking here, or you can contact us now by filling out the form on the right.

What are Rails modules?

ActionMailer, ActionController, ActionWebService, ActionView, ActiveSupport and ActiveRecord are the Ruby on Rails modules.

What is Ruby used for?

The Ruby programming language is used in different areas such as web scraping and crawling, static site creation, desktop application development, automation, data manipulation, and DevOps. Undoubtedly, the most used area of Ruby is web application development.


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