Remember the data warehousing promises of the past: single source of the truth, reliable data when and where needed, etc. These promises were not often realized, and when realized never quite enough. Why the gap between expectations and reality? Much of the problem is in the way that we think about data. EDW views data as a thing to be stored, processed, and managed by technology organizations. We must think about data in an entirely different way – data as a service that is accessed, processed, analyzed, and reported people throughout the enterprise.
The Enterprise Data Marketplace (EDM) weaves data into the fabric of the business a shift from inert to organic. With data services presented through a “storefront” interface where data consumers can shop to find best-fit data for their needs – an architectural shift from Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) to Enterprise Data Marketplace (EDM).
Imagine the power and impact of shopper-like services for analysts seeking data. EDM provides data seekers with services to find datasets, evaluate fit for purpose, read reviews of others who have used the data, immediately access data, and prepare it for use. Recent technology innovations provide advanced capabilities for data cataloging, data preparation, data curation, and collaboration. They put the EDM within reach of data-dependent organizations everywhere.
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