In today's world, data plays a crucial role in every industry. However, for data to be actionable, it must be presented in a simplified and contextualized manner. Even if one is proficient in handling data, their efforts may lose significance if they fail to communicate their findings to non-technical stakeholders. This article delves into the advantages of data storytelling and highlights some of the top courses available in Switzerland for enhancing this skillset.

What is data storytelling?

Data storytelling is the process of communicating insights gained from data analysis through a narrative that is easy to understand and remember. It involves presenting data in a way that creates an emotional connection with the audience, allowing them to see the value of the data in a way that is relevant to them. It helps to simplify complex data and contextualize it in a meaningful way that allows non-technical people to make informed decisions based on the insights provided. By weaving data into a compelling story, it becomes more memorable and persuasive, making it easier to share with others and drive action.

Why is data storytelling important?

Data storytelling is important and popular for several reasons:

Communicating complex data: Data storytelling helps to convey complex data in an understandable and engaging manner. It can help to present data in a way that is easier to understand, which can be helpful for decision-makers who are not data experts.

Communicating complex data is important because it ensures that important information is understood and acted upon appropriately. When dealing with complex data, it is easy to get lost in the details and lose sight of the big picture. Communicating the key takeaways in a clear and concise manner can help ensure that the message is effectively conveyed.

Besides, communicating complex data in a simplified manner can help decision-makers make informed choices based on the data. This is particularly important in fields such as business, economics, and public policy where decisions can have significant impact on individuals and society as a whole. By presenting data in an easily digestible manner, decision-makers can make more informed choices and avoid potential negative consequences. 

Creating a narrative with data: You can build a story around your data by using data storytelling. By doing so, the audience may be more engaged and find the info more fascinating and pertinent. Making the data more approachable and interesting can be accomplished by framing it as a narrative.

Visualization and Storytelling - Advanced Skills for Communicating with Data Training in Switzerland

Gaining insights: Without data narrative, important information may be lost or misunderstood. The loss of useful insights can be quite expensive over time for businesses that have invested heavily in analytics and data science. But struggling to deliver insights from their data to the business for quicker, wiser actions is a very common issue for organizations today. Despite the fact that data generation is increasing at an increasing rate, too often data is collected but never completely utilized. Organizations may find more important insights and express them more clearly by using data storytelling.


Data storytellling examples

Healthcare: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes data visualizations and stories about health issues, such as the opioid epidemic or the impact of COVID-19 on different populations. These visualizations help to communicate complex health data to the public in an engaging and accessible way.

Sports: Sports teams and leagues use data storytelling to analyze player performance, predict outcomes, and engage fans. For example, the NBA uses data to create interactive visualizations that highlight player statistics, trends, and comparisons.

Finance: Banks and financial institutions use data storytelling to help clients understand their financial data and make informed decisions. For example, the investment management company Betterment uses data visualization and personalized advice to help clients plan for their financial future.

Education: Schools and universities use data storytelling to evaluate student performance and identify areas for improvement. For example, the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center uses data visualization to track college enrollment and completion rates.

Marketing: Companies use data storytelling to analyze customer behavior and market trends. For example, Spotify creates personalized playlists for users based on their listening habits and uses data visualization to help users explore new music.

Let's take a look at this example of data storytelling used in Switzerland:

The Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO) has used data storytelling to communicate information about the Swiss population in an engaging and informative way. One example is their interactive online tool called "SwissPeople," which allows users to explore different aspects of Swiss demographics, such as age, gender, education, and employment. The tool uses visually appealing graphics and interactive features to help users understand the data and draw their own conclusions.

For instance, one can create a map of Switzerland highlighting the age distribution in different cantons, or explore how the education level of women has changed over time. Through this data storytelling approach, the FSO has made statistical data accessible and engaging for a wider audience, helping to promote data literacy and informed decision-making in Switzerland.

Best data storytelling courses in Switzerland 

Who should attend data storytelling training?

  • Business analysts, data analysts, and data scientists
  • BI and analytics designers and developers
  • Anyone interested in learning new and highly effective ways to communicate and share information

Data Storytelling: Bringing Data to Life Training

Visualization and Storytelling - Advanced Skills for Communicating with Data Training

Data Visualization, Dashboards & Analytics Adoption Training


What is data communication?

Data communication refers to the exchange of data between two devices or parties through a transmission medium such as wires, cables, optical fibers, or wireless signals. In order to facilitate communication between various devices or systems, it entails transmitting, receiving, processing, and storing digital data. Data communication in the context of data analysis and visualization is the process of presenting data in a way that is understandable and obvious to all stakeholders, including non-technical audiences. Utilizing a variety of strategies, instruments, and visualizations is essential to effectively communicating complex information in a clear and engaging manner.

How can I make data visualizations relatable to an audience’s interests and needs?

To make data visualizations relatable to an audience's interests and needs, consider the following tips:

  • Know your audience: Understand who your audience is and what their interests and needs are. This will help you tailor your data visualization to their preferences.
  • Use relevant examples: Use examples that are relevant to your audience's interests or needs. For instance, if your audience is in the healthcare industry, use examples related to healthcare to help them relate to the data.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand. Instead, use simple language and easy-to-understand visuals to communicate your data.
  • Highlight key insights: Focus on the most important insights in your data visualization and highlight them using colors, icons or other visual cues.
  • Use real-world context: Show your data visualization in a real-world context to make it more relatable. For example, if your data is related to the environment, show it in the context of a specific geographic location or time period.
  • Tell a story: Use your data visualization to tell a story that your audience can relate to. By framing your data in a narrative, you can help your audience understand the significance of the information you are presenting.

If you want to enhance your data storytelling and data visualization skills, our courses in Switzerland can help you achieve that. Our courses are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to make compelling data presentations that resonate with your audience. We offer both in-house and instructor-led virtual courses to fit your needs. Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your communication skills and advance your career. Contact us now to enroll in our data storytelling and data visualization courses.


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