01 - Course Introduction
- Speaker introduction
- Training overview and course summary
- Motivation for this course
- Audience for this course
02 - Introduction to Cloud FinOps
- Overview of what Cloud FinOps is
- 5 steps to get started with Cloud FinOps
03 - Cloud FinOps Framework
- Cloud FinOps Framework
- Principles, Personas, Phases, Maturity, Domains, Capabilities
04 - Cloud FinOps Principles
- Cloud FinOps Principles
- Teams need to collaborate
- Decisions are driven by business value of cloud
- Everyone takes ownership for their cloud usage
- Cloud FinOps data should be accessible and timely
- A centralized team drives Cloud FinOps
- Take advantage of the variable cost model of the cloud
05 - Cloud FinOps Personas
- Cloud FinOps Personas
- Cloud FinOps Practitioner
- Executives
- Business/Product Owner
- Finance
- Engineering and Operations
- Procurement
- Security
- ITAM Leader / Practitioner
06 - Cloud FinOps Phases
- Cloud FinOps Phases
- Inform, Optimize, Operate
07 - Cloud FinOps Maturity Model
- Cloud FinOps Maturity Model
- Crawl, Walk, Run
- Established, Enhanced, Excel
08 - Cloud FinOps Team
- Executives need to understand Cloud FinOps and provide support top down
- Ability for the team to reach out to all other groups within the organization
- Members need strong verbal and written skills to partner, collaborate, drive, negotiate, evangelize, and train
09 - Cloud FinOps Common Language
- Engineers, Finance, FinOps, Cloud use different vocabulary
- Need to connect different disciplines
10 - Cloud FinOps Partnership and Collaboration
- Cloud FinOps Practitioner
- Executives
- Business/Product Owner
- Finance
- Engineering and Operations
- Procurement
11 - Cloud FinOps Domains
- Cloud FinOps Domains
- Understanding Cloud Usage and Cost
- Performance Tracking & Benchmarking
- Real-Time Decision Making
- Cloud Rate Optimization
- Cloud Usage Optimization
- Organizational Alignment
12 - Cloud FinOps and Other Methodologies
DevOps, Agile, IT Asset Management (ITAM), IT Service Management (ITSM), Technology Business Management (TBM), the Cloud Service Provider Well-Architected Framework, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), Sustainability, and the Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE)
13 - Cloud FinOps Capabilities Overview
14 - Cloud FinOps Capabilities
- Measuring Unit Costs
- Managing Shared Cost
- Managing Anomalies
- Forecasting
- Data Ingestion & Normalization
- Cost Allocation (Metadata & Hierarchy)
- Data Analysis and Showback
- Resource Utilization & Efficiency
- Managing Commitment Based Discounts
- Budget Management
- Establishing a FinOps Decision & Accountability Structure
- Intersection of Cloud FinOps & Sustainability
- Workload Management & Automation
- Onboarding Workloads
- Intersection of FinOps & ITFM/TBM
- Cloud Policy & Governance
- Establishing FinOps Culture
- FinOps Education & Enablement
- Chargeback & Finance Integration
15- How to Adopt a Cloud FinOps Practice
- Adopting FinOps Deck Oct 2021
- Plan, socialize, prepare, launch, run
16 - How to Manage Commitment Based Discounts
- This is a critical skill for rate reduction that can be done centrally
- Deep dive in how to manage RIs & SPs (AWS), CUDs (GCP), Reservations (Azure)
17 - How to Overcome the Top Cloud FinOps Challenges
- Getting to unit economics
- Implementing Cloud FinOps at scale
- Empowering engineers to take action
- Accurate forecasting
- Reducing waste
- Organizational adoption of Cloud FinOps
- Fully allocating cloud spend
- Enabling automation
- Container cost reporting
- Leadership buy in of Cloud FinOps
- Allocating shared costs
- Aligning finance with engineering
- Managing commitment based discounts
18 - Course Wrap Up