Updated for 2022, our immersive 2-day Defending Enterprises training is the natural counterpart to our popular Hacking Enterprises course. From SIEM configuration oversight to monitoring, alerting and threat hunting, you’ll play a SOC analyst in our Microsoft Sentinel cloud-based lab and try to rapidly locate IOA’s and IOC’s from a live enterprise breach executed by the trainers in real time.
Whether you’re new to Kusto Query Language (KQL) or a seasoned pro, there’s plenty for you in the 2-days! Yes, we’re using Microsoft Sentinel, but the underlying threat detection theory, logic and threat hunting approach is transferable into your own environments, whatever your preferred platform is. We look at the top 10 methods we use in offensive engagements and show how these can be caught, along with numerous other examples and methods that go above and beyond these common TTPs!
There are no prerequisites. This training is suited to a variety of students, including:
With 13 hands-on exercises you’ll gain real-world experience in the following areas:
We know 2 days isn't a lot of time, so you'll also get 14-days FREE lab time after class and Discord access for support.
Day 1
Day 2
After training, students will be provided with:
14-day extended LAB access after the course finishes
Discord support channel access
Twitter & Bios:
Will (@Stealthsploit) co-founded In.security in 2018. Will's been in infosec for over a decade and has helped secure many organisations through technical security services and training. Will's delivered hacking courses globally at several conferences including Black Hat and has spoken at various conferences and events. Will also assists the UK government in various technical, educational and advisory capacities. Before Will was a security consultant he was an experienced digital forensics consultant and trainer.
Owen (@rebootuser) is a co-founder of In.security, a specialist cyber security consultancy offering technical and training services based in the UK. He has a strong background in networking and IT infrastructure, with well over a decade of experience in technical security roles. Owen has provided technical training to a variety of audiences at bespoke events as well as Black Hat, Wild West Hackin' Fest, NolaCon, 44CON, TROOPERS, BruCON and Hack in Paris. He keeps projects at https://github.com/rebootuser.
Join our public courses in our Denmark facilities. Private class trainings will be organized at the location of your preference, according to your schedule.