Implementing & Exploiting CICSPlex using CICS Explorer and WUI Training in Ireland

  • Learn via: Classroom
  • Duration: 4 Days
  • Price: From €3,315+VAT

This four-day course explains the key features and benefits of a CICSPlex environment. The Web User Interface (WUI) and CICS Explorer are used to create and manage a CICSPlex. The course covers the configuration of a CICSPlex environment and describes the capabilities, functions, and services provided by the CICSPlex System Manager (CPSM). The course describes the enhancements introduces with CICS TS V4 & V5.
Attendees will learn to configure, and use functions of CPSM using both the CICS explorer and WUI. The functions covered will be, Workload Manager (WLM), Real Time Analysis (RTA), Monitor (MON), and Business Application Services (BAS). Attendees will learn how to configure the CICS Explorer and WUI server.
There are extensive lab exercises customizing the CICS Explorer and WUI MENUs and VIEWs. Attendees will define and deploy resource BUNDLES to a CICS platform.

This course is also available for one-company, exclusive presentations, either run on-site or via the Virtual Classroom Environment service.

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We can host this training at your preferred location.


A good technical understanding of the CICS and z/OS environments.

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What You Will Learn

  • describe the capabilities of CPSM components such as Single System Image (SSI), single point of control and definition, Work Load Manager (WLM), Real Time Analysis (RTA) and Business Application Services (BAS)
  • list the functions provided by CPSM operations
  • describe the required CPSM infrastructure
  • describe the installation of the CICS Explorer
  • describe the installation of the WUI server
  • use and customize the CICS Explorer and WUI server
  • configure a CICSPlex
  • define CICSPlex topology
  • describe the security provided for CSPM
  • use the CICS Explorer to define and deploy a resource BUNDLE to a CICS platform
  • use the CICS Explorer “Cloud” perspective.
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Introduction to CICSPlex System Manager

CPSM terminology review; Workload management; Real Time Analysis (RTA); CPSM components: Single-System Image (SSI), CPSM address space (CMAS), Maintenance Point (MP), MAS, the data repository (EYUDREP), Environment Services System Services (ESSS), the Coordinating Address Space (CAS), Single Point Of Control (SPOC); Web User Interface (WUI). The interfaces to CICS TS (CPSM) are discussed & used. Covered are the WUI, CICS Explorer, Batch repository Utility (BATCHREP), and the definition utility (EYU9XDBT).

WUI Operation

WUI access; Logging on; Context & Scope; Using the product supplied views; navigation; Action commands; 'CEMT' type commands such as CICSRGN, TASK and TRAN.

WUI Configuration

Using the COVC transaction; WUI repository; Control datasets; JCL changes; Importing and Exporting views.

CICS Explorer Operation and Customization

CICS Explorer access; defining connections and logon; use the product supplied views to navigate, perform administrative & operational functions. Customize & use the 'cloud perspective' and platform definitions. Define and deploy a resource BUNDLE.

CPSM Topology

Using the CICS explorer and WUI to define a CICSPlex; CICSSYS; CICSGRP; Associating rules (such as WLM and RTA); Removing an association; Topology operation view: Using BATCHREP to move and define resources.

Operation Views

Selected views; selecting a resource: working with CONTEXT and SCOPE: using action commands.

CPSM definitions for WLM and RTA

Discussion on the use and benefits of WLM and RTA: Using the WUI to define CPSM WLM and RTA specification and subsequent rules such as, WLMSPEC and RTASPEC: SAM: MRM: RTADEF: STATDEF: and associations.

BAS Definitions

Using the CICS explorer and WUI to define and control BAS definitions; resDEF, RESDESC; RASGNDEF; RESGROUP; SYSLINK; establishing controls to install resources using CPSM.

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Contact us for more detail about our trainings and for all other enquiries!

Avaible Training Dates

Join our public courses in our Ireland facilities. Private class trainings will be organized at the location of your preference, according to your schedule.

24 March 2025 (4 Days)
Dublin, Belfast, Cork
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€3,315 +VAT
06 April 2025 (4 Days)
Dublin, Belfast, Cork
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€3,315 +VAT
11 April 2025 (4 Days)
Dublin, Belfast, Cork
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€3,315 +VAT
16 April 2025 (4 Days)
Dublin, Belfast, Cork
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€3,315 +VAT
06 May 2025 (4 Days)
Dublin, Belfast, Cork
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€3,315 +VAT
14 May 2025 (4 Days)
Dublin, Belfast, Cork
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€3,315 +VAT
25 May 2025 (4 Days)
Dublin, Belfast, Cork
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€3,315 +VAT
15 June 2025 (4 Days)
Dublin, Belfast, Cork
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
€3,315 +VAT
Implementing & Exploiting CICSPlex using CICS Explorer and WUI Training Course in Ireland

Ireland is an island nation located in northwestern Europe. Its history is shaped by its position as a former British colony, as well as its rich cultural heritage, which includes a long tradition of storytelling, music, and dance. Ireland gained independence from Britain in 1922 and has since become a modern, prosperous country.

Today, Ireland is known for its beautiful landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and friendly people. Popular cities within the country include Dublin, Cork, and Galway, each with their own unique charm and character. The population of Ireland is estimated to be around 5 million people, with English and Irish being the two official languages. Ireland is also home to a vibrant tech sector, with many global tech companies choosing to locate their European headquarters in Dublin. With its mix of tradition and modernity, Ireland is a popular destination for visitors from all over the world.

Choose from our extensive selection of IT courses, covering programming, data analytics, software development, business skills, cloud computing, cybersecurity, project management. Our highly skilled instructors will deliver hands-on training and valuable insights at a location of your choice within Ireland.
Dublin is considered the technology center of Ireland. It is home to a thriving tech industry, with many global tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft having their European headquarters in the city. Dublin's reputation as a tech hub is due in part to its favorable business environment, with a low corporate tax rate and a skilled workforce that is well-educated in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

Dublin has also been proactive in supporting the growth of the technology sector, with initiatives such as the Dublin Commissioner for Startups and the Dublin Tech Summit, an annual event that brings together technology leaders from around the world.
We are one of the best! Bilginç IT Academy offers online, live virtual and classroom trainings in Ireland. We are delighted to assist market leaders as they shape the ever-changing and evolving digital landscape. We adapt new generation training methodologies to Ireland's needs. Enroll now and take your tech team to new heights.
Bilginç IT Academy’s coding classes in Ireland can help your team reach its full potential. Our courses, which are intended for tech firm employees, provide hands-on training in the most recent coding languages and frameworks, giving your team the knowledge they need to advance your company. Take your tech team to greater levels by enrolling right away.
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