This course and the associated Part 2 course together form the essential core of the z/OS education curriculum for z/OS Systems Programmers. By attending both components attendees will gain an in-depth insight into the fundamental structure of MVS (now z/OS), enabling further study in areas such as debugging, performance, installation and customisation of the operating system.<br>This course concentrates on laying the ground rules of z/OS in terms of architecture, storage management, as well as the major control blocks and how to interpret them. The course also introduces the major components found in z Systems environments.<br><br>This course is also available for one-company, on-site presentations and for live presentation over the Internet, via the Virtual Classroom Environment service.
The architectural principles of the CPU; PSW, registers; interrupts system states; PSW swapping; multi-processing; central storage; addressing modes; storage keys; parallel & serial channels; pathing; HCD; LCUs; CCWs; I/O operation; SCSW.
MVS IntroductionThe functions of the MVS operating systems; components required to prepare MVS for work; creating address spaces; Job Entry Subsystem; initiators; resource control; interrupt handlers and status saving; dispatching work; I/O requests; Workload Manager; execute the work; exit the work from the system.
Control Blocks, Dumps & IPCSUsing IPCS and the debugging handbooks to locate and interpret major MVS control blocks in a dump; finding main control blocks such as PSA, CVT, ASCB, TCB, UCB; main IPCS menus; IPCS FIND command; IPCS subcommands; IPCS labs.
Virtual Storage ConceptsLoading programs; real storage problems; DAT; segments & pages; page stealing & UIC; page faults; demand paging; dispatching address spaces; swapping & paging.
MVS Storage ManagementAMODE & RMODE; common storage; private storage; Virtual Storage Manager; subpools; storage keys; RSM; page faults; segment faults; ASM; page data sets; VIO.
Dataspaces and HiperspacesPrimary & secondary ASC modes; access registers; using dataspaces; VLF; Hiperspaces.
System InitialisationSysgen and IPL processes; the function of the LOAD parameter and the LOADxx member of PARMLIB; concepts of authorised programs; the subsystem interface.
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