Mastering Power Apps is a 3-day advanced training course designed for students who are ready to move their Power Apps skills with Canvas Apps to the next level. Students will cover topics necessary for building more complex apps as well as look at best practices for creating and maintaining canvas apps.
Please note - Under the umbrella term of Power Apps, Microsoft include three types of apps: Canvas Apps, Model-driven apps and Power Pages (previously known as Power Apps Portals). This course exclusively looks at canvas apps and uses generic Office 365 data sources (i.e. not Dataverse or SQL) for examples.
For training on Model-driven apps and Dataverse, please refer to course Mastering Power Platform Dataverse and Model-Driven Apps (QAMPMOD).
Power Pages are covered on the course Microsoft Power Platform Developer (MPL400).
Due to the dynamic nature of updates to Office 365 functionality by Microsoft, elements of the syllabus of this course can be subject to change without notice.
Target Audience
This course is aimed at existing Power Apps makers who wish to improve their app development skills. This course is suitable for advanced users, IT staff and developers who wish to gain an insight to app development with Power Apps.
Important - This course has MFA Requirements. Please read this link and download the MFA app, prior to attending.
Students should already be familiar with Microsoft Excel, Office 365 and SharePoint Online. It is also recommended that students have some hands-on experience creating Power Apps. Attendance of the QA course Microsoft PowerApps Essentials (QAPAESS) can be used to provide the pre-requisite skills for this course.
Tasks that learners are expected to perform without assistance include (but are not limited to):
Dual monitor setup is required for when attending this course via the QA Attend from Anywhere delivery method.
Instructors will demonstrate features throughout the event. Optional Lab exercises are available for students to complete within a delegate created free trial tenancy. Microsoft may require a valid credit card to create 30 day free tenancies which must be cancelled within 30 days to avoid incurring charges. QA have no control over the Microsoft 365 trial tenancy signup or billing process.
Delegates will learn how to:
Advanced Controls
The student’s prerequisite knowledge will have introduced them to the most common controls used in creating Power Apps. This module will extend that knowledge to examine some advanced uses of the basic controls as well as using controls that are used less often. The module will also have a more in depth look at connectors and connections and will discuss delegation issues. This module will also look at control grouping and the use of reusable components in your apps.
Responsive Apps
UI design guidelines have changed since the early days of Power Apps. This module introduces learners to current design practices and enables them to create responsive apps.
Advanced data operations
The advanced data operations module starts with an examination of records and tables and the functions used to shape them. The use of variables and collections are examined, and the module finishes off with an examination of the Patch function used for advanced data updates.
This module looks at the different levels of administration required with Power Apps, and the tools used for this. The module also looks at Environments, solutions, data policies and data integration. Although Dataverse is not covered in detail on this course, and introduction to it will be included to cover the topics in this module. This module also looks at saving, publishing and working with versions as well as importing and exporting apps.
Integration with Power Automate
This module examines how integrate Power Apps with Power Automate. It examines the process of calling flows from Power Automate and then receiving the results back from those flows.
Working with SharePoint
The module on working with SharePoint covers three topics. The first of these looks at the differences when SharePoint is used as a data source as opposed to other data sources. The second topic look at replacing SharePoint forms with Power Apps forms, and the final topic looks at how to use Power Apps and Power Automate together to upload files to aa SharePoint library.
Optimising Power Apps
This module will introduce various optimising techniques to students. Topics in this section will include relative styling, data validation and optimising apps for performance. Finally, some of the tools to help app makers are introduced.
Join our public courses in our New Zealand facilities. Private class trainings will be organized at the location of your preference, according to your schedule.
E. S. - İş Analisti
Rated the training 5 stars.
B. B. - İş Analisti
Rated the training 5 stars.
M. B. - Software Developer
Rated the training 5 stars.
Y. İ. - SD Modül Sorumlusu
Rated the training 5 stars.
Z. E. G. - Sap MM Modul Sorumlusu
Rated the training 5 stars.
E. T. - İş Analisti, Modül Sorumlusu, Tekstil Mühendisi
Rated the training 5 stars.
N. F. A. - SAP Destek Yöneticisi
Rated the training 5 stars.