What is TSO; main uses of TSO; using TSO; when the TSO screen fills; logging on to TSO; logging off.
Basic TSO CommandsSEND, LISTBC, LISTALC, HELP and PROFILE commands; command prompting; aborting a TSO command.
Introduction to ISPFWhat is ISPF; the ISPF panels; the pull-down menus; the Primary Option Menu; changing ISPF settings, function settings and log/list defaults; identifying error messages, entering TSO commands from ISPF, exiting from ISPF.
Basic ISPF UtilitiesUtility selection menu; library utility; dataset utility; move/copy utility; hardcopy utility; outlist utility.
ISPF Dataset List UtilityDataset list; wildcard characters; dataset list and member list line commands; using a TSO command; SHOWCMD command; VTOC list and information; freeing unused space; repeating commands.
Browsing Datasets in ISPFDataset naming rules and conventions; DASD dataset organisation; Partitioned Data Sets; Partitioned Data Set Extended; specifying dataset names, PDS member list panel and shortcuts; browsing the data; scrolling; FIND command; finding picture strings; the LOCATE command; splitting the screen.
Basic Edit via ISPFThe editing process; the edit entry panel; member or dataset edit panel; scrolling during edit; edit line commands; manipulating lines; ending an edit session.
The ISPF Edit ProfileFunction of the Edit profile; displaying the Edit profile; profile options; creating new members; the insert and delete keys; CHANGE command; UNDO command; when you get locked up.
Advanced Edit with ISPFExcluding and re-displaying lines; RESET command; switching between upper and lower case; column boundaries; text entry facilities; tab settings; manipulating data; submitting a batch job; nested edit sessions; saving data; cancelling an edit session.
SuperC and Search-ForSuperC utility; SuperCE utility; Search-For utility; Search-ForE utility.
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