For security administrators and technician working with RACF in a CICS/System z environment, this course will be very useful. The course is designed, written and presented by specialist RACF consultants. It provides a detailed insight into the CICS-RACF Interface. The course describes and explains how RACF is implemented within a CICS environment.
This course is also available for one-company, exclusive presentations, either run on-site or via the Virtual Classroom Environment service.
Attendees should have a clear understanding of z/OS at a conceptual level and have an understanding of RACF that can be gained by attending the courses Understanding RACF and RACF Technical Overview. A familiarity with CICS and a knowledge of TSO/ISPF and JCL is also required.
CICS Overview
The CICS family; Today's CICS; Product Identifiers; What is CICS?; Terminology; CICS tables; What is a Business Transaction?; What is a CICS task /CICS transaction?; What is a CICS program?; CICS characteristics; On-line processing; IBM CICS Transaction Server for z/OS; Workload management; Access to CICS; Accessing CICS from the Web; CICS Web Support (CWS); CICS Web Services; CICS Web Services support; The IBM client family; IBM CICS® Transaction Gateway, Version 7.0; XML support; CICS organisation; Application services; Principal Domains/Management modules; CICS resource definitions; RDO overview; RDO components; The CICS System Definition File; The CICS Global Catalog; Available documentation (RACF related).
RACF Review
What is required of a security system?; IBM's Resource Access Control Facility (RACF); Main RACF/MVS components; How does RACF work?; RACF Profiles; User Profiles; Group Profiles; Resource Profiles; RACF classes; Always present; IBM-supplied general resource classes; Controlling access; Allowing access; RACF commands.
The CICS-RACF interface; The role of CICS in security control; Region-wide requirements; Interface implementation; CICS-RACF interfaces.
CICS & RACF in a Single CICS Region
CICS & RACF in a single CICS region; CICS region userid; Creating the CICS region userids; CICS default userid; Access requirements.
Intercommunication Security
Overview; Types of connections; Intercommunication security; BIND security; Link security; User security.
Setting up CICS RACF Security
Setting up CICS RACF security; CICS SIT parameters; SIT parameters: typical configuration; Protect the CICS region; User access from a terminal; User signon; Controlling userid propagation; PROPCNTL; Surrogat; Member or grouping class?; Example of member class profiles; Example of grouping class profiles; How RACF merges profiles; Who has access to STOH?; Setting up CICS RACF security.
Problem Determination
Problem determination.
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