Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom / Virtual Classroom / Online
  • Süre: 5 Gün
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Bu eğitim katılımcılara Windows sunucularının yönetilmesi ve yönetiminin otomatik hale getirilmesi için Windows PowerShell’i kullanmaya yönelik temel bilgileri ve becerileri kazandırmaktadır. Bu eğitim ile katılımcılar belirli bir görevi yerine getirmek için ihtiyaç duydukları komutları belirlemek ve oluşturmak için gereken becerilere de sahip olacaktır. Katılımcılar ayrıca tekrarlayan görevlerin otomatik hale getirilmesi ve raporların oluşturulması gibi gelişmiş görevleri yerine getirmek için komut metinlerini nasıl yazacaklarını da öğrenecekler. Bu eğitim ile aralarında Windows Server, Windows Client, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SharePoint Server, Microsoft SQL Server, System Center gibi bir dizi Microsoft ürününü desteklemek için gereken beceriler sunulmaktadır. Bu amaca ulaşmak için de eğitim bu ürünlerden herhangi birine odaklanmayacaktır ancak tüm bu ürünlerin ortak platformu olan Windows Server ise eğitimin öğrettiği tekniklerin uygulanacağı örnek program olarak kullanılacaktır.

Bu eğitim halihazırda sürüm 5.1 üzerine geliştirilmiştir.

  • Windows ağ kurma teknolojileri ve bu teknolojilerin uygulamaya konulması konusunda deneyim.
  • Windows Server yönetimi, bakımı ve sorun tespit ve giderilmesi konusunda deneyim.
  • Windows Client yönetimi, bakımı ve sorun tespit ve giderilmesi konusunda deneyim.
  • Bu eğitime katılanlar, Windows sistem yöneticisi olarak edindikleri pratik denetim vasıtasıyla eşdeğer nitelikteki bilgi ve becerilere sahip olarak ön koşulları yerine getirebilirler. Ön koşul olarak herhangi bir eğitim zorunlu değildir.

Bu eğitim zaten Windows Server ve Windows Client yönetimi konusunda deneyim sahibi olan ve yönetim için Windows PowerShell hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek isteyen BT Profesyonellerine yöneliktir. Windows PowerShell’in herhangi bir sürümünde veya herhangi bir komut yazma dilinde önceden deneyim sahibi olunmadığı varsayılmaktadır. Eğitim ayrıca aralarında Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, SQL Server, System Center ve diğerlerinin de buunduğu sunucu yönetiminde deneyim sahibi BT Profesyonelleri için de uygundur.

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the functionality of Windows PowerShell and use it to run and find basic commands.
  • Identify and run cmdlets for server administration.
  • Work with Windows PowerShell pipeline.
  • Describe the techniques Windows PowerShell pipeline uses.
  • Use PSProviders and PSDrives to work with other forms of storage.
  • Query system information by using WMI and CIM.
  • Work with variables, arrays, and hash tables.
  • Write basic scripts in Windows PowerShell.
  • Write advanced scripts in Windows PowerShell.
  • Administer remote computers.
  • Use background jobs and scheduled jobs.
  • Use advanced Windows PowerShell techniques.

Module 1: Getting started with Windows PowerShell

This module will introduce you to Windows PowerShell and provide an overview of the product’s functionality. The module shows you how to open and configure the shell for use and how to run commands within the shell. The module also introduces the built-in Help system in Windows PowerShell.


  • Overview and background of Windows PowerShell
  • Understanding command syntax
  • Finding commands

Lab : Configuring Windows PowerShell

  • Configuring the Windows PowerShell console
  • Configuring the Windows PowerShell ISE application

Lab : Finding and running basic commands

  • Finding commands
  • Running commands
  • Using the About files

Module 2: Cmdlets for administration

This module introduces you to the cmdlets commonly used for administration. While you can search for cmdlets each time you need to accomplish a task, it is more efficient to have at least a basic understanding of the cmdlets available for system administration.


  • Active Directory administration cmdlets
  • Network configuration cmdlets
  • Other server administration cmdlets

Lab : Windows Administration

  • Creating and managing Active Directory objects
  • Configuring network settings on Windows Server
  • Creating a web site

Module 3: Working with the Windows PowerShell pipeline

This module introduces the pipeline feature of Windows PowerShell. Although the pipeline feature is included in several command-line shells such as the command prompt in the Windows operating system, the pipeline feature in Windows PowerShell provides more complex, more flexible, and more capable functionalities compared to other shells. This module provides you with the skills and knowledge that will help you use the shell more effectively and efficiently.


  • Understanding the pipeline
  • Selecting, sorting, and measuring objects
  • Filtering objects out of the pipeline
  • Enumerating objects in the pipeline
  • Sending pipeline data as output

Lab : Using the pipeline

  • Selecting, sorting, and displaying data

Lab : Filtering objects

  • Filtering objects

Lab : Enumerating objects

  • Enumerating objects

Lab : Sending output to a file

  • Exporting user information to a file

Module 4: Understanding how the pipeline works

This module shows you how Windows PowerShell passes objects from one command to another in the pipeline. The shell provides two techniques that you can use. Knowing how these techniques work, and which one will be used in a given scenario, lets you construct more useful and complex command lines.


  • Passing the pipeline data
  • Advanced considerations for pipeline data

Lab : Working with pipeline parameter binding

  • Predicting pipeline behaviour

Module 5: Using PSProviders and PSDrives

This module introduces the PSProviders and PSDrives adapters. A PSProvider is basically a Windows PowerShell adapter that makes some form of storage resemble a disk drive. A PSDrive is an actual connection to a form of storage. You can use these two adapters to work with various forms of storage by using the same commands and techniques that you use to manage the file system.


  • Using PSProviders
  • Using PSDrives

Lab : Using PSProviders and PSDrives

  • Creating files and folders on a remote computer
  • Creating a registry key for your future scripts
  • Create a new Active Directory group

Module 6: Querying system information by using WMI and CIM

This module introduces you to two parallel technologies: Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Common Information Model (CIM). Both these technologies provide local and remote access to a repository of management information including access to robust information available from the operating system, computer hardware, and installed software.


  • Understanding WMI and CIM
  • Querying data by using WMI and CIM
  • Making changes with WMI/CIM

Lab : Working with WMI and CIM

  • Querying information by using WMI
  • Querying information by using CIM
  • Invoking methods

Module 7: Working with variables, arrays, and hash tables

This module provides you the skills and knowledge required to use variables, arrays, and hash tables in Windows PowerShell.


  • Using variables.
  • Manipulating variables.
  • Manipulating arrays and hash tables.

Lab : Working with variables

  • Working with variable types
  • Using arrays
  • Using hash tables

Module 8: Basic scripting

This module shows you how to package a Windows PowerShell command in a script. Scripts allow you to perform repetitive tasks and more complex tasks than cannot be accomplished in a single command.


  • Introduction to scripting
  • Scripting constructs
  • Importing data from files

Lab : Basic scripting

  • Setting a script
  • Processing an array with a ForEach loop
  • Processing items by using If statements
  • Creating a random password
  • Creating users based on a CSV file

Module 9: Advanced scripting

This module introduces you to more advanced techniques that you can use in scripts. These techniques includes gathering user input, reading input from files, documenting scripts with help information and error handling.


  • Accepting user input
  • Overview of script documentation
  • Troubleshooting and error handling
  • Functions and modules

Lab : Accepting data from users

  • Querying disk information from remote computers
  • Updating the script to use alternate credentials
  • Documenting a script

Lab : Implementing functions and modules

  • Creating a logging function
  • Adding error handling to a script
  • Converting a function to a module

Module 10: Administering Remote Computers

This module introduces you to the Windows PowerShell remoting technology that enables you to connect to one or more remote computers and instruct them to run commands on your behalf.


  • Using basic Windows PowerShell remoting
  • Using advanced Windows PowerShell remoting techniques
  • Using PSSessions

Lab : Using basic remoting

  • Enabling remoting on the local computer
  • Performing one-to-one remoting
  • Performing one-to-many remoting

Lab : Using PSSessions

  • Using implicit remoting
  • Managing multiple computers

Module 11: Using background jobs and scheduled jobs

This module provides information about the job features of Windows PowerShell. Jobs are an extension point in Windows PowerShell, and there are many different kinds of jobs. Each kind of job can work slightly differently, and has different capabilities.


  • Using background jobs
  • Using scheduled jobs

Lab : Using background jobs and scheduled jobs

  • Starting and managing jobs
  • Creating a scheduled job

Module 12: Using advanced Windows PowerShell techniques

This module covers several advanced Windows PowerShell techniques and features. Many of these techniques and features extend functionality that you have learned about in previous modules. Some of these techniques are new and provide additional capabilities.


  • Creating profile scripts
  • Using advanced techniques

Lab : Practicing advanced techniques

  • Creating a profile script
  • Verifying the validity of an IP address
  • Reporting disk information
  • Configuring NTFS permissions
  • Creating user accounts with passwords from a CSV file

Lab : Practicing script development (optional)

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