Delivering Safety Culture Change using the Hearts and Minds Toolkit Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 3 Gün

Course Description: A 3-day training course intended to help organisations to improve their HSE performance through the award-winning Hearts and Minds toolkit. Facilitated by two of the Hearts and Minds toolkit developers, the course will:

  • teach the fundamentals of safety culture change, focusing on the various stages of a culture change programme, from design to implementation and review.
  • provide an overview of the Hearts and Minds toolkit and allow delegates to get to grips with facilitating a selection of Hearts and Minds tools.
  • allow delegates to learn from some of the leading experts in safety culture change
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Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz.


The course is aimed towards anyone with responsibility for leading or facilitating safety culture development and change. This may include health and safety managers, senior operational leaders, trainers, safety champions, as well as those interested in learning more about designing a cultural change programme.
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Neler Öğreneceksiniz

  • have an understanding of culture programme theory, planning and implementation
  • have an appreciation of the Hearts and Minds 'ethos', and be able to lead Hearts and Minds workshops in your own organisation.
  • have an understanding of the different Hearts and Minds tools and their use
  • be able to produce a bespoke plan for implementing cultural change in your organisation
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Day One 09:30-17:30: Raising awareness

  • Introduction to safety culture change.
  • Raising awareness and getting manager buy-in.
  • Leadership engagement in culture change
  • Recruiting champions/ the project team and developing a bespoke plan for cultural change.

Day Two 09:30-17:30: Preparation and implementation

  • Guided run-through of the Understanding Your Culture tool.
  • An overview of the Hearts and Minds tools.
  • Choosing the right Hearts and Minds tools to use.

Day Three 09:30-17:30: Implementation and review

  • Guided run-through of the Managing Rule Breaking tool.
  • Guided run-through of the Improving Supervision tool.
  • Sustaining a change programme.
  • Monitoring and reviewing the results.
  • Exam and question and answer session
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Eğitim Tarihleri

Sınıf eğitimlerimizi İstanbul, Ankara ve Londra ofislerimizde düzenlemekteyiz. Kurumunuza özel eğitimleri ise, dilediğiniz tarih ve lokasyonda organize edebiliriz.

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İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
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İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
22 Mayıs 2025 (3 Gün)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
23 Mayıs 2025 (3 Gün)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
24 Mayıs 2025 (3 Gün)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
19 Haziran 2025 (3 Gün)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
05 Temmuz 2025 (3 Gün)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
14 Temmuz 2025 (3 Gün)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
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