Enterprise Architecture Modelling using ArchiMate® 3 Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 3 Gün
  • Seviye: Intermediate
Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz. Bize Ulaşın!

Mimari fikirleri resmi bir şekilde iletebilme yeteneği tüm BT mimarlarının sahip olması gereken kritik bir yetenektir. Aynı zamanda, BT mimarı, fikirleri yakalamaya, kavramları ve aralarındaki ilişkileri anlamaya odaklanmalıdır. Open Group tarafından yayınlanan ArchiMate® 3 bu gereksinimlerin her ikisini de karşılamak üzere tasarlanmıştır. Kurumsaldan Teknolojiye, mimarinin tüm katmanlarını tanımlama yetisine sahip, UML tabanlı basit bir dildir. Buna ek olarak, motivasyon modellemesi ile uygulama ve taşıma planlarının oluşturulması için kullanılabilir.

Bu ders, adayların hem ArchiMate® 3 Foundation hem de Archimate® 3 Practitioner sertifikası edinmesini sağlar. Dersin sonunda sınava girme rahatlığının yanı sıra, dilin gelişiminde aktif olarak yer alan deneyimli eğitmenlerden eğitim alma fırsatını sağlar.

Those in the following roles could make full use of this language:

  • Practicing Architects at all Layers: Business, Applications, Data and Technology/Infrastructure
  • Business Analysts and Modellers
  • System designers
  • Software engineers
  • Infrastructure engineers

In preparation for attending the course each delegate will be sent an Architecture Primer which should be studied before attending the course. It highlights key parts of the Specification that should be understood, and contains useful advice on how to understand and use ArchiMate Relationships.

  • ArchiMate ® 3 özelliklerini kavrayın ve  mimariyi etkili bir şekilde tanımlamak için notasyonları kullanın.
  • Notasyonun nasıl kullanıldığına dair pratik bir fikir edinmek için kapsamlı bir mimari örnekle çalışarak kurumsal mimari aracını kullanın.
  • Sınava hazırlanın.

Language Introduction

Introduction to the main ideas and principles behind the notation. Includes understanding key metamodels and frameworks and the main kinds of elements and relationships.

Normally after this session the trainer will facilitate a session with delegates exploring how to use ArchiMate in the context of an Enterprise Architecture, using the tool “Archi”.


Relationships are a fundamental part of modelling. In our pre-course reading a special “Relationship Primer” document is provided to introduce delegates to the concepts. Then this section completes the task by explaining how each relationship is used.

Motivation and Strategy *

The QA course groups these aspects together as the “Context” to a system. Gathering such information is crucial to enabling the architecture to address the business needs. Each contextual item is discussed, with examples of use.

Architecture Layers (including Physical) *

The main body of the course covers this subject. Delegates will be taken through all the different layers, discussing each element, how it is used, with examples.

Implementation and Migration *

In this session we explore how architects can create plans to both migrate and implement their architecture.


This topic is one of the most important in architecture. How an architect effectively describes architecture, to address the concerns of stakeholders, is a critical skill. In this session the international standard ISO42010 is reviewed, with details on how it has been implemented in ArchiMate.

Adapting ArchiMate

Short section looking at how the notation can be adapted to reflect further architectural concepts not covered in the specification.


This is taken at the end of the course, with delegates linking in to Pearson Vue to do the Foundation and Practitioner exam.

*All sections shown with this asterisk include practical work, with delegates creating a model using the knowledge they have just acquired.

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