Implementing Citrix ADC 13.x with Citrix Gateway (CNS-226) Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 2 Gün
  • Seviye: Intermediate

Learn the skills required to configure and manage Citrix Gateway features. At the end of the course, students will be able to configure their Citrix Gateway environments to address remote access requirements for Apps and Desktops.

Target Audience

Built for IT Professionals working with Citrix Gateway, with little or no previous Citrix Gateway experience. Potential students include administrators, engineers, and architects interested in learning how to deploy or manage Citrix Gateway environments.

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Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz.


Accessing your course materials

Citrix course materials are available to delegates in e-courseware format through Gilmore e-bookshelf. QA ltd will share your name and email address with Gilmore for the sole purpose of provisioning you with your e-courseware. You will receive redemption details for your course materials directly from Gilmore shortly before your course is due to commence. Your course labs will be delivered through Skillable. QA will directly distribute to you an electronic key in order to access the labs.

Those delegates who are attending via either virtual or extended classroom will be required to provide either three monitors (to view courseware, labs and instructor demos simultaneously) or two monitors and a mobile device.

Technical pre-requisites

This course requires little to no previous experience with Citrix ADC; however, Citrix recommends a basic understanding of TCP/IP, HTTP, the OSI model, network devices, and networking protocols.

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Neler Öğreneceksiniz

  • Configure Authentication and Authorization
  • Define End User Access and Experience
  • Integrate Citrix Gateway with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops and additional resources
  • Employ recommended tools and techniques to troubleshoot common Citrix Gateway network and connectivity issues
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Module 1: Citrix Gateway

  • Introduction to Citrix Gateway
  • Advantages and Utilities of Citrix Gateway
  • Citrix Gateway Configuration
  • Common Deployments

Module 2: AppExpert Expressions

  • Introduction to AppExpert Policies
  • Default Policies
  • Explore Citrix ADC Gateway Policies
  • Policy Bind Points
  • Using AppExpert with Citrix Gateway

Module 3: Authentication, Authorization, and Secure Web Gateway

  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • nFactor Visualizer
  • SAML authentication

Module 4: Managing Client Connections

  • Introduction to Client Connections
  • Session Policies and Profiles
  • Pre and Post Authentication Policies
  • Citrix Gateway Deployment Options
  • Managing User Sessions

Module 5: Integration for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops

  • Virtual Apps and Desktop Integration
  • Citrix Gateway Integration
  • Citrix Gateway WebFront
  • ICA Proxy
  • Clientless Access and Workspace App
  • Access Fallback
  • SmartControl and SmartAccess for ICA

Module 6: Configuring Citrix Gateway

  • Working with Apps on Citrix Gateway
  • RDP Proxy
  • Portal Themes and EULA

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