Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development exam Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 3 Saat
  • Seviye: Intermediate

The Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development Exam (EX288) tests your ability to deploy existing applications in a Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform environment.

By passing this exam, you become a Red Hat Certified Specialist, which also counts toward becoming a Red Hat® Certified Architect (RHCA®).

Target Audience

These audiences may be interested in becoming a Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development:

  • Application developers in a DevOps role who are responsible for managing a Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform environment
  • Application developers in a DevOps role who are responsible for implementing a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment
  • Application developers who are responsible for creating containerized applications or converting existing applications into containerized applications

Please Note:

This is the examination only - EX288 - for the course Red Hat OpenShift Development I: Containerizing Applications
Please book on Red Hat OpenShift Development I: Containerizing Applications inc Exam for the course and exam together.

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Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz.


Candidates for the Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development exam (EX288) should have a basic understanding of container technology. Some programming experience is recommended, but not required.

Please note: In order to provision you with your courseware and lab access for this course QA must share several items of basic personal information with our partner (usually your full name and email address). For more information on this please visit our QA Partner data sharing page. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your QA account manager.

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Red Hat encourages all candidates for the Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development exam (EX288) to consider taking the Red Hat OpenShift Application Development I: Containerizing Applications (DO288) course to help prepare. Attendance in these classes is not required; students can choose to take just the exam.

While attending Red Hat classes can be an important part of one's preparation to take this exam, attending class does not guarantee success on the exam. Previous experience, practice, and native aptitude are also important determinants of success.

Many books and other resources on system administration for Red Hat's products are available. Red Hat does not officially endorse any as preparation guides for its exam. Nevertheless, you may find additional reading deepens understanding and can prove helpful.

Exam format
This exam consists of a single section lasting three hours. The exam is a performance-based evaluation of your ability to deploy applications in a Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform environment. You will perform a number of routine tasks similar to those you would be expected to perform in a normal DevOps environment and will be evaluated on whether you have met specific objective criteria.

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