The Scrum Master as a Change Agent Online Learning Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom / Virtual Classroom / Online
  • Süre: 2 Saat
Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz. Bize Ulaşın!

Agile isn’t just a framework, it’s a mindset. It means adapting to change, learning from mistakes and growing as a team. But leaders often forget this and find it difficult to successfully implement Agile in their organizations.
Changing titles and using the language of Agile is just the start of adopting an agile way of working. It’s more important that the people adopt an agile mindset and this means changing the culture of the organization. Without changing the culture, agile ways of working will never really take hold and the benefits will never truly be realized.
As the Scrum Master, you’re a change agent in your organization. This course will guide you through some of the processes and techniques you can use to fulfil this role.
The course is aimed at the Agile Scrum Master. However, it’s equally relevant to the Product Owner’s role in the team.

There are no specific pre-requisites to study this course.

After completing the Managing Conflict in Agile Teams course, you’ll be able to:

  • Define the organizational challenges of agile adoption and describe the Scrum Master’s role in facilitating culture change;
  • Define cognitive bias and the four stages of developing competence, and describe why psychological safety is important;
  • Explain the Scrum Master’s role in using the change model;
  • Describe the importance of working with HR to drive culture change;
  • State the components of the cultural model and its role in assessing an organization’s culture; and
  • Identify what different cultures mean for agile and the transformation process.

Eğitimlerle ilgili bilgi almak ve diğer tüm sorularınız için bize ulaşın!

Yakın tarihte açılacak eğitimler

Sınıf eğitimlerimizi İstanbul, Ankara ve Londra ofislerimizde düzenlemekteyiz. Kurumunuza özel eğitimleri ise, dilediğiniz tarih ve lokasyonda organize edebiliriz.

22 Şubat 2025 (2 Saat)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
09 Mart 2025 (2 Saat)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
10 Mart 2025 (2 Saat)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
15 Mart 2025 (2 Saat)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
22 Şubat 2025 (2 Saat)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
22 Mart 2025 (2 Saat)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
09 Mart 2025 (2 Saat)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
10 Mart 2025 (2 Saat)
İstanbul, Ankara, Londra
Classroom / Virtual Classroom
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