VMware vRealize Log Insight: Deploy and Manage [V8.4] Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 2 Gün
  • Seviye: Fundamentals

This two-day course focuses on deploying, using, and managing VMware vRealize® Log Insight™ product. It provides you with the knowledge and skills to deploy a vRealize Log Insight cluster that meets the monitoring requirements of your environment. This course covers the configuration and use of vRealize Log Insight to collect and manage logs from a variety of VMware and third-party products. This course discusses interfacing vRealize Log Insight with other systems to monitor, troubleshoot, and secure a data center.

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Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz.


System administration experience with VMware vSphere® deployments or completion of one of the following courses:
• VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V7]
• VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale [V7]

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Neler Öğreneceksiniz

• Identify features and benefits of vRealize Log Insight
• Determine the vRealize Log Insight cluster that meets your monitoring requirements
• Describe the vRealize Log Insight architecture and use cases
• Deploy and configure a vRealize Log Insight cluster
• Use the Interactive Analytics tab to get a deep understanding of log data
• Create and manage queries
• Managing vRealize Agents and Agent Groups
• Create various custom dashboards
• Describe and use the vRealize Log Insight widgets
• Extend the capabilities of vRealize Log Insight by adding content packs and configuring solutions

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1 Course Introduction
• Introductions and course logistics
• Course objectives

2 Introduction to vRealize Log Insight
• Describe a cloud management platform
• Explain the importance of efficient log management
• Describe the requirements for a log analytics solution
• Describe the key benefits of vRealize Log Insight
• Describe the key features of vRealize Log Insight
• Describe the various stages of log processing

3 vRealize Log Insight Architecture and Deployment
• Identify the minimum requirements for deploying vRealize Log Insight
• Using vRealize Log Insight Sizing Calculator
• Describe vRealize Log Insight compatibility with other VMware products
• Describe the vRealize Log Insight architecture
• Determine the correct vRealize Log Insight deployment for an environment
• Install the vRealize Log Insight virtual appliance

4 vRealize Log Insight Queries and Dashboards
• Describe the primary functions of the vRealize Log Insight UI
• Use the Interactive Analytics tab to get a deep understanding of log data
• Create and Manage queries
• Create vRealize Log Insight custom dashboards
• Describe and use the vRealize Log Insight widgets

5 Administering vRealize Log Insight
• Describe User Access Control in vRealize Log Insight
• Describe User Management
• Access the vRealize Log Insight Administration page
• Configure vRealize Log Insight settings
• Manage certificates
• Configure system notifications
• Upgrade vRealize Log Insight
• Describe the vRealize Log Insight Importer

6 vRealize Log Insight Integrations
• Describe how to integrate vRealize Operations with vRealize Log Insight
• Describe the advantages of integrating vRealize Operations with vRealize Log Insight
• Describe the advantages of using the vSAN content pack
• Install NSX content packs

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