PRINCE2® stands as a beacon in the project management world. Its reputation for being a highly adaptable and structured methodology is why it's the preferred choice for many top-tier organizations like Barclays, BT, Rolls-Royce, and even monumental projects like London's 2012 Summer Olympics. Today, at Bilginç IT Academy, we're thrilled to introduce the next evolution of PRINCE2: the 7th Edition.


What Has Led to The Evolution of PRINCE2?

The landscape of project management is ever-changing. Technological advances, shifting attitudes towards environment and ethics, novel working patterns, and evolving regulations have all played a role in shaping PRINCE2's latest iteration. This update isn't just about staying current; it's a strategic move to ensure the methodology continues to be as tailorable and scalable as ever, ready to address modern challenges and predict those of the future.

What’s New in PRINCE2’s 7th Edition?

The 7th Edition builds upon the solid foundation of its predecessors, infusing fresh insights and simplifying its language for better accessibility. Here are the standout updates:

  • A clarifying introduction detailing the essence of a project and project management.
  • A new 'people integrated element'—now central to PRINCE2’s framework—interlocks seamlessly with the established 7 principles, practices, processes, and project context.
  • Four innovative management approaches incorporated into the Project Initiation Documentation (PID): 'change management approach', 'commercial management approach', 'data management approach', and the 'sustainability management approach'.
  • A pivotal new performance target highlighting 'sustainability', broadening the traditional scope that included aspects like benefits, costs, time, quality, and risk.

Why the Update?

As society and business landscapes shift, PRINCE2 adapts. There's an increasing emphasis on soft skills such as leadership, a domain addressed by the 'people integrated element'. From an organizational lens, this evolution fosters better collaboration across multifunctional project teams, refines communication strategies, deepens the understanding of stakeholder needs, and cultivates a culture where change isn't just implemented—it's embedded and realized holistically.

PRINCE2® 7 Foundation

PRINCE2® 7 Practitioner

PRINCE2® 7 Foundation and Practitioner

Benefits of Holding the PRINCE2 Certification

Acquiring a PRINCE2 certification doesn't just add a prestigious credential to your resume—it opens up a world of tangible advantages in the realm of project management. Firstly, it equips you with a robust, universally-acknowledged methodology, making you more adept at handling diverse projects irrespective of their size or complexity. It can significantly increase your marketability, giving you a competitive edge in job applications and potential promotions within your current role. Employers often recognize and value PRINCE2 certified professionals for their ability to minimize project risks and drive outcomes to successful fruition. Beyond career growth, the certification fosters a deeper understanding of the project management lifecycle, enhancing decision-making skills, stakeholder communication, and overall project execution. In essence, a PRINCE2 certification acts as a catalyst, propelling both your professional growth and the success rates of the projects you manage.

Wrapping Up

PRINCE2's update is a testament to its enduring relevance in the dynamic world of project management. At Bilginç IT Academy, we remain committed to offering top-notch PRINCE2 courses, ensuring that both individuals and organizations are equipped to harness the power of this revamped methodology. Ready to embark on a transformative journey with PRINCE2’s 7th Edition? Join us, and let’s shape the future of project management together.


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