Azerbaycan AI Assisted Secure Software Development Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 3 Gün
  • Seviye: Fundamentals
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Artificial Intelligence is here to stay, and those who fight against it will be left behind.

This comprehensive course on Artificial Intelligence and Software Development is designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to keep pace with rapidly-evolving technology trends. By attending this course, you will learn how to use AI tools to increase productivity and improve collaboration, as well as how to build and deploy cutting-edge products. With the insights and practical skills gained from this course, you will be well-positioned to stay ahead of the curve in today's fast-paced digital landscape. Taking this course will not only equip you with the latest knowledge in AI development, but it will also provide you with the opportunity to collaborate with peers and gain insights into how AI can be used to test, refactor and analyse your code, even regarding security best practices.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to give yourself the edge you need to succeed in the era of AI!

Core Topics Include:

  • Understanding AI
  • AI and software development
  • Becoming more productive using AI tools
  • AI, security and privacy
  • Future of AI


You will;

  • Understand the basics of artificial intelligence
  • Be able to identify and explain the different forms of AI
  • Gain knowledge of AI technologies like NLP, computer vision, machine learning
  • Have the knowledge to use AI tools to increase productivity and efficiency
  • Understand and be able to manage licensing and privacy concerns
  • Gain practical experience using AI tools during development
  • Be able to prepare for the future of AI in software development

Day 1

Understanding Artifical Intelligence

  • What is AI

  • The current state of AI solutions

  • Different forms of AI

    • Reactive Machines

    • Limited memory AI Systems

    • Self-aware AI systems

  • AI technologies

    • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    • Computer Vision

    • Machine Learning & Deep Learning

    • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

AI and Software Development

  • Why AI won't take your job (yet)

    • Potential impact of AI on the software development industry

  • Using AI tools to increase productivity

    • What is AI good at?

    • What are its limitations?

  • Prompt engineering

Day 2

AI and Software Development

  • AI tool landscape

    • GitHub's Copilot

    • OpenAI (ChatGPT, DALL E2, Codex)

    • Midjourney

    • Google Bard

  • AI product licesining questions

    • Generated code license

  • AI and Privacy

    • Who owns the model?

Become more productive using AI tools

  • Core prinmciples to keep in mind

  • Using AI in product management

    • Requirements engineering

    • Product research

    • Exploring clinet pain points and needs

    • Generating UI wireframes and sketches

  • Challenge and augment your thinking
    • Generate architecture diagrams
    • Supercharge your retrospective with AI teammate
    • Use AI to summarises notes

Day 3

Become more productive using AI tools

  • Collaborating
    • An AI chatbot is your next team member
    • Customer trained AI as your 'real customer'

  • Bulletproof releases with AI
    • Estimate the stability of your releases
    • Generate documentation
    • Reduce operations by spotting hidden wins

  • Effective planning with AI
    • Backlog grooming
    • Story definitions
    • Improving your estimates
    • Estimating costs

  • Supercharge development efforts with AI
    • Generate code at the speed of light
    • Refactoring
    • Generate proof of concepts
    • Generate test-cases
    • TDD with OpenAI's Codex

What's next?

  • Future of AI in Software Development
    • Emerging trends and advancements in AI
    • Preparing for the future of AI in software development

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İlgili Eğitimler

AI Assisted Secure Software Development Eğitimi Azerbaycan

Kardeş ülke Azerbaycan (resmi adıyla Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti) Kafkasya’da, Güney Kafkas Dağları bölgesinde bulunmaktadır. Çok zengin bir kültüren mirasa sahip olan Azerbaycan’ın, Hazar Denizi, Rusya, Gürcistan, Ermenistan ve İran gibi sınır komşuları vardır. Kafkasya’nın en büyük yüzölçümlü ülkesi olan Azerbaycan’da harika bir doğa çeşitliliği mevcut olup, hayvan yaşamının zenginliği de dikkat çekicidir. Üniter bir devlet olan Azerbaycan’ın Cumhurbaşkanı İlham Aliyev, resmi dili Azerice’dir.

Farsça Azar (Ateş) ve Payegan (Muhafız) kelimelerinin birlikteliğinden adını alan Azerbaycan Ateşler Ülkesi olarak da bilinmektedir. Bakü’de bulunan Flame Towers ülkenin en turistik yerlerinden biridir. Ülkede çok sayıda yanardağ ve petrol yatağı bulunmaktadır. Azerbaycan’ın mutlaka görülmesi gereken yerleri arasında Bakü’deki Alev Kuleleri, Kız Kalesi, Ateşgah, Targovi Caddesi ve Bakü Bulvarı’nın yanı sıra farklı şehirlerdeki Şeki Hanları Sarayı, Kobustan Milli Parkı, Han Bağı, Kebele ve Göygöl Milli Parkı sayılabilir.
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