Azerbaycan APM Project Management Qualification (PMQ) Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 5 Gün
  • Seviye: Intermediate
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APM Proje Yönetimi Kalifikasyonu nedir?

APM Project Management Qualification

Etkin proje yönetimi becerileri gittikçe daha önemli bir hal almaktadır. Kuruluşların, işlerinin uyarlanabilmesi, büyütülebilmesi ve stratejik hedeflere ulaşabilmesini sağlayacak değişim projelerini başarıyla tamamlamak için her seviyede iyi proje yöneticilerine ihtiyacı vardır.

Proje Yönetimi Kalifikasyonu (PMQ) (SCQF Seviye 7), proje mesleğinin üst kurulu olan APM tarafından geliştirilmiş, bilgi tabanlı bir kalifikasyon olup adayların, proje yönetiminin tüm unsurlarını anladıklarını sergilemelerine imkan sağlar.

Adaylar, bu unsurların nasıl etkileşim içinde olduklarını ve projelerinin de stratejik ve ticari ortamlarına nasıl uyduğunu anladıklarını gösterebileceklerdir.

PMQ, uluslararası alanda kabul gören bir kalifikasyon olup bir işten bir diğerine veya bir sektörden bir başka sektöre taşınabilir.

The APM Project Management Qualification is aimed at those wishing to achieve a broad level of project management knowledge sufficient to participate in projects from individual assignments through to large capital projects.

Applicants typically have some pre-existing project management knowledge, and it is the ideal next step for anyone holding the APM Project Fundamentals (PFQ) qualification.

Delegates who are registered PRINCE2® Practitioners may wish to look at our 'PMQ for PRINCE2® Practitioners' course where a shorter route to PMQ is possible. With a shorter training course and exam, this route will save you time and money.

This is an intensive five-day course and it is typical for delegates to undertake a minimum of 20 hours of preparation. Delegates are provided with access to QA's PMQ eLearning. A self-assessment document is also provided that can be used to help focus your preparation more effectively.

There are two examination routes for the qualification:

  • A three hour paper where candidates must answer ten from sixteen questions.


  • For PRINCE2® Registered Practitioners a two hour paper that recognises prior learning. In this paper candidates must answer six from ten questions.

Full details of the examination process can be found in the guidance notes (

Attendees of this course will learn how to:

  • Explain the internal and external contextual factors that influence the management and execution of projects.
  • List and describe the key activities that are undertaken in each phase of a generic project life cycle:
    • Concept
    • Definition
    • Development
    • Handover and closure
  • Explain the interpersonal skills that are practiced by the effective project manager

This highly interactive course covers the content of the PMQ syllabus, which is based on the APM Body of Knowledge, 6th Edition. The framework and tools that are covered provide a solid foundation for the successful delivery of a project, irrespective of industry sector.

Delegates will explore these tools through a number of facilitated individual and group-based exercises, providing ample opportunity for sharing experience and learning throughout the class.

In addition to the classroom sessions listed below, delegates will also be assigned evening work to help reinforce learning and prepare for the examination. The evening work is a key part of the course and may take approximately two hours to complete although some delegates may choose to extend this time.

Context and Governance

The governance and setting of a project will heavily influence how it is managed. This section will cover topics such as:

  • The difference between project and operational work
  • Programme and portfolio management
  • Project team roles
  • The governance of a project across its life cycle

Concept Phase

It is essential that the need for a project is identified and understood before its viability can then be judged. This may involve:

  • Identifying and managing stakeholders
  • Creating a business case
  • Assessing project success and benefits
  • Procuring resources and contract management

Definition Phase

The definition phase is often where the project manager is most heavily involved and we look at a structured approach for planning the project - both in terms of what needs to be done and also how it will be done.

  • Requirements and scope management
  • Schedule and resource management
  • Budgeting and cost management

Development Phase

Putting the plan into action will require the project manager to undertake many of the following actions.

  • Project control, including cost control through earned value management
  • Manage information and reports
  • Risk and issue management
  • Health and safety
  • Quality management
  • Change control and configuration management

Managing the Team

No project is successful without an engaged and committed team. This requires the project manager to utilise a number of interpersonal skills.

  • Communication
  • Conflict management
  • Build and lead the team

Project Handover and Closure

Formal closure of a project will help ensure that the deliverables are handed over in a structured manner and that the team and the organisation has reviewed and learned from the performance on the project.

  • Project handover
  • Project reviews

The APM Project Management Qualification

The PMQ examination is scheduled for 1.00pm on the final day of the course. The cost of the course does not include the exam. You will therefore only be eligible to sit the exam if you book it separately under code APMPEX-5. If you have not booked the exam, you will be free to leave the course at this time.

Key exam information:

  • 3 hours' duration
  • Closed-book
  • 10 essay-based questions to be answered from a total of 16 questions; each answer is worth 50 marks
  • Candidates are required to achieve a minimum of 275 marks out of 500 (55%) to pass

Exams for delegates attending this course virtually, via 'Attend From Anywhere', will be managed separately, therefore please contact your account manager following course delivery who will arrange this.


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APM Project Management Qualification (PMQ) Eğitimi Azerbaycan

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