Bu eğitim, popüler bir NoSQL veritabanı olan Cassandra’yı tanıtacaktır. Cassandra’nın prensiplerini, mimarisini ve veri modelini kapsayacaktır.
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Java programlama dilin ve Linux ortamı konusunda bilgisi olanlar (komut satırında gezinme, Nano ile dosya düzenleme)
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Cassandra Overview
- Why We Need Cassandra
- High Level Cassandra Overview
- Cassandra Features
- Basic Cassandra Installation and Configuration
Cassandra Architecture and CQL Overview
- Cassandra Architecture Overview
- Cassandra Clusters and Rings
- Data Replication in Cassandra
- Cassandra Consistency / Eventual Consistency
- Introduction to CQL
- Defining Tables with a Single Primary Key
- Using cqlsh for Interactive Querying
- Selecting and Inserting/Upserting Data with CQL
- Data Replication and Distribution
- Basic Data Types (including uuid, timeuuid)
Data Modeling and CQL Core Concepts
- Defining a Compound Primary Key
- CQL for Compound Primary Keys
- Partition Keys and Data Distribution
- Clustering Columns
- Overview of Internal Data Organization
- Additional Querying Capabilities
- Result Ordering - ORDER BY and CLUSTERING ORDER BY
- UPDATE and DELETE Queries
- Result Filtering, ALLOW FILTERING
- Batch Queries
- Data Modeling Guidelines
- Denormalization
- Data Modeling Workflow
- Data Modeling Principles
- Primary Key Considerations
- Composite Partition Keys
- Defining with CQL
- Data Distribution with Composite Partition Key
- Overview of Internal Data Organization
Additional CQL Capabilities
- Indexing
- Primary/Partition Keys and Pagination with token()
- Secondary Indexes and Usage Guidelines
- Cassandra Counters
- Counter Structure and Definition
- Using Counters
- Counter Limitations
- Cassandra collections
- Collection Structure and Uses
- Defining Collections (set, list, and map)
- Querying Collections (Including Insert, Update, Delete)
- Limitations
- Overview of Internal Storage Organization
- Static Column: Overview and Usage
- Static Column Guidelines
- Materialized View: Overview and Usage
- Materialized View Guidelines
Data Consistency In Cassandra
- Overview of Consistency in Cassandra
- CAP Theorem
- Eventual (Tunable) Consistency in C* - ONE, QUORUM, ALL
- Choosing CL ONE
- Choosing CL QUORUM
- Achieving Immediate Consistency
- Using other Consistency Levels
- Internal Repair Mechanisms (Read Repair, Hinted Handoff)
- Lightweight Transactions (LWT)/ Compare and Set (CAS)
- Overview of Lightweight Transactions
- Using LWT, the [applied] Column
- IF EXISTS, IF NOT EXISTS, Other IF conditions
- Basic CAS Internals
- Overhead and Guidelines
Practical Considerations
- Dealing with Write Failure
- Unavailable Nodes and Node Failure
- Requirements for Write Operations
- Key and Row Caches
- Cache Overview
- Usage Guidelines
- Multi-Data Center Support
- Overview
- Replication Factor Configuration
- Additional Consistency Levels - LOCAL/EACH QUORUM
- Deletes
- CQL for Deletion
- Tombstones
- Usage Guidelines
The Java Client API
- API Overview
- Introduction
- Architecture and Features
- Connecting to a Cluster
- Cluster and Cluster.Builder
- Contact Points, Connecting to a Cluster
- Session Overview and API
- Working with Sessions
- The Query API
- Overview
- Dynamic Queries, Statement, SimpleStatement
- Processing Query Results, ResultSet, Row
- PreparedStatement, BoundStatement
- Binding Values and Querying with PreparedStatements
- CQL to Java Type Mapping
- Working with UUIDs
- Working with Time/Date Values
- Working with Batches of SimpleStatement and PreparedStatement
- Dynamic Queries and QueryBuilder
- QueryBuilder Overview and API
- Building SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE Queries
- Creating WHERE Clauses
- Other Query Examples
- Configuring Query Behavior
- Setting LIMIT and TTL
- Working with Consistency
- Using LWT
- Working with Driver Policies
- Load Balancing Policies - RoundRobinPolicy, DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy
- Retry Policies - DefaultRetryPolicy, DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy, Other Policies
- Reconnection Policies
- Asynchronous Querying Overview
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Querying
- Executing Asynchronous Queries
- java.util.concurrent.Future
- Cassandra ResultSetFuture
- Future Result Processing
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K. Ö. - Yazılım Geliştirme
Eğitimi 5 yıldız olarak puanladı.
M. F. D. - Yazılım Geliştirme Uzmanı
Eğitimi 5 yıldız olarak puanladı.
A. T. - Mühendis
Eğitimi 5 yıldız olarak puanladı.
F. Y. - Developer
Eğitimi 5 yıldız olarak puanladı.