Bu eğitim, Apache Pig ve Hive kullanarak Apache Hadoop’da saklanan Big Data analiz edecek uygulamaları geliştirmesi gereken ve Apache Spark’ta uygulamalar geliştiren geliştiriciler için tasarlanmıştır.
HDP ve özelliklerinin, Hadoop, YARN, HDFS, MapReduce/Tez, veri özümsemenin temel noktalarının anlaşılması, Big Data veri analitiği yapabilmek için Pig ve Hive’ı kullanma ve Spark Core, Spark SQL, Apache Zeppelin ve diğer Spark özelliklerine giriş konularını içerir.
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Öğrenciler, programlama ilkelerine aşina olmalı ve yazılım geliştirme konusunda deneyim sahibi olmalıdırlar. SQL ve basit komut metni yazımı konusunda bilgi sahibi olunması da faydalı olacaktır. Önceden Hadoop konusunda bilgili olmak gerekmemektedir.
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Kimler Katılmalı
Bu eğitime HDP’de uygulama geliştirmesi ve bu uygulamaları anlaması gereken geliştiriciler ve veri mühendisleri katılabilir.
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Part I: High Level Overview
- Describe the Case for Hadoop
- Identify the Hadoop Ecosystem via architectural categories
Part II: Deeper Look & Demos (2 hrs)
- Detail the HDFS architecture
- Describe data ingestion options and frameworks for batch and real-time streaming
- Explain the fundamentals of parallel processing
- Detail the architecture and features of YARN
- Understand backup and recovery options
- Describe how to secure Hadoop
Live Demonstrations
- Operational overview with Ambari
- Loading data into HDFS
- Use Pig to explore and transform data in HDFS
- Transfer data between Hadoop and a relational database
- Understand how Hive tables are defined and implemented
- Use Hive to explore and analyze data sets
- Explain and use the various Hive file formats
- Create and populate a Hive table that uses ORC file formats
- Use Hive to run SQL-like queries to perform data analysis
- Use Hive to join datasets using a variety of techniques
- Write efficient Hive queries
- Explain the uses and purpose of HCatalog
- Use HCatalog with Pig and Hive
Hands-On Labs
- Use HDFS commands to add/remove files and folders
- Use Sqoop to transfer data between HDFS and a RDBMS
- Explore, transform, split and join datasets using Pig
- Use Pig to transform and export a dataset for use with Hive
- Use HCatLoader and HCatStorer
- Use Hive to discover useful information in a dataset
- Describe how Hive queries get executed as MapReduce jobs
- Perform a join of two datasets with Hive
- Use advanced Hive features: windowing, views, ORC files
- Describe Spark and Spark specific use cases
- Explore data interactively through the spark shell utility
- Explain the RDD concept
- Understand concepts of functional programming
- Use the Python or Scala Spark APIs
- Create all types of RDDs: Pair, Double, and Generic
- Use RDD type-specific functions
- Explain interaction of components of a Spark Application
- Explain the creation of the DAG schedule
- Build and package Spark applications
- Use application configuration items
- Deploy applications to the cluster using YARN
- Use data caching to increase performance of applications
- Understand join techniques
- Learn general application optimization guidelines/tips
- Create applications using the Spark SQL library
- Create/transform data using dataframes
- Read, use, and save to different Hadoop file formats
Spark Python or Scala Hands-On Labs
- Create a Spark “Hello World” word count application
- Use advanced RDD programming to perform sort, join, pattern matching and regex tasks
- Explore partitioning and the Spark UI
- Increase performance using data caching
- Build/package a Spark application using Maven
- Use a broadcast variable to efficiently join a small dataset to a massive dataset
- Create a data frame and perform analysis
- Load/transform/store data using Spark with Hive tables
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