Azerbaycan QA Certificate in Risk Management Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 1 Gün
  • Seviye: Expert

What Risks matters to you and your organisation? How would I know what this looks like and how would I harness the benefits of pro-actively managing risk? Welcome to our professionally certified ‘Risk management module’ that will address these critical questions and much, much more.

Many organisations, many individuals have come across risk but not all fully integrate risk throughout what we do and how we deliver work. We at QA believe to get the full value of managing risk, this needs to be integrated into the fabric of all parts of your organisation. We at QA also believe, that as risk management is integrated into our work, we all have a key role to play.

Our 1 day risk management certified course will use a mixture of presentation, discussion and hands-on exercises, to address these topics in a highly engaging, concise and pragmatic manner way. Let’s start the collaborative risk journey together.

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No formal prerequisites are required for this workshop although it is assumed that learners will have had prior exposure to project, business and/or operational management.

There will be some pre-course reading, circa 1 hour and the content will be confirmed within the joining instructions.

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Neler Öğreneceksiniz

  • Understand the organisational influences that influence the management of risk
  • Articulate risk in a consistent, easy-to-understand way that is directly linked to what matters to you and your organisation
  • List the typical steps in a project risk management process & explain each one
  • Identify the hard and soft benefits relating to project risk management
  • Understand the differences between risk and issue management
  • Prepare for and undertake a professionally certified Risk Management exam
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This highly interactive workshop uses a short case-study to enable delegates to gain confidence in the use of proven techniques in the areas listed below. The course will explain each stage of a formal risk management process before concluding with a discussion on the similarities and differences between risk and issue management. We provide a firm foundation for further development of risk management skills through self-reading, more advanced training and practical hands-on experience.

Risk Management Overview

Learners are introduced to the world of risk and why effective management of this area is of increasing importance in these highly volatile times. We identify many of the internal and external factors that will influence the organisation’s attitude in relation to the risk it is prepared to accept and how this risk will then be managed. This section finishes with a discussion of what ‘risk’ actually means before we identify the importance of having a documented risk management process and/or plan.

Risk Identification

Learners will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a number of tools that might be used to identify risks across different organisations and industry sectors.

Risk Assessment

We investigate the qualitative and quantitative assessment of risk and discuss the appropriate use of these techniques within each delegate’s organisation.

Risk Response Planning

A number of techniques are introduced that may be applicable for responding to risks, whether they are threats or opportunities. We also discuss the criteria that might be used to determine the likely effectiveness of any planned response.

Risk Implementation

The risk management process concludes with the actions that can be undertaken to ensure that the agreed risk response produces the desired result. Learners are then asked to list the benefits of adopting a formal risk management approach as well as identifying the challenges of doing so.

Issue Management

The final topic of the day will discuss the similarities and differences between risk and issue management before listing the typical steps within a formal issue management process.

Certified Risk Management exam

Each learner will have the opportunity to prepare for and then take this risk management exam digitally.

The exam is taken at the end of the day:
  • 30 minutes
  • 40 multiple choice questions
  • Closed book
  • 22 correct answers to pass (55%)
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İlgili Eğitimler

QA Certificate in Risk Management Eğitimi Azerbaycan

Kardeş ülke Azerbaycan (resmi adıyla Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti) Kafkasya’da, Güney Kafkas Dağları bölgesinde bulunmaktadır. Çok zengin bir kültüren mirasa sahip olan Azerbaycan’ın, Hazar Denizi, Rusya, Gürcistan, Ermenistan ve İran gibi sınır komşuları vardır. Kafkasya’nın en büyük yüzölçümlü ülkesi olan Azerbaycan’da harika bir doğa çeşitliliği mevcut olup, hayvan yaşamının zenginliği de dikkat çekicidir. Üniter bir devlet olan Azerbaycan’ın Cumhurbaşkanı İlham Aliyev, resmi dili Azerice’dir.

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