Azerbaycan Spring Boot Developer Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 2 Gün
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Building on the benefits of the Spring framework, Spring Boot represents the next chapter in Java development. Spring Boot’s opinionated approach removes much of the boilerplate and configuration that characterizes Spring, making development faster and deployment easier.

This course offers hands-on experience with Spring Boot and its major features, including auto-configuration, data access, Actuator, and more. On completion, participants will have a foundation for creating enterprise-ready applications.

A good working knowledge of web application development using Java and an IDE. Basic understanding of Spring: Java Config, component-scanning, Spring driven testing and Spring data-management (​JdbcTemplate​, ​@Transactional​). Experience using Java, Git, and a build tool (Maven or Gradle).

Upon completion of this course, participants will understand how SpringBoot enhances the following:

  • Describe the benefits provided by Spring Boot
  • Initialize a project using Spring Boot Starters
  • Leverage Spring Boot's auto configuration features to enableJDBC setup and initialization
  • Create simplified backing-store solutions using Spring Data and JPA
  • Build a simple MVC application using Spring Boot, embedded WebServer and fat JARs or classic WARs
  • Build a RESTful Web application
  • Use Spring Security to secure Web and REST endpoints
  • Enable and extend metrics and monitoring capabilities usingSpring Boot actuator
  • Leverage advance configuration capabilities
  • Utilize Spring Boot enhancements to testing

Review of Spring Essentials
  • Why Spring
  • Configuration using Spring
  • Bean creation
  • Data Management
Spring Boot Introduction
  • Introduction to Spring Boot
  • Value Proposition of Spring Boot
  • High-level Spring Boot features
  • Creating a simple Boot application using SpringInitializr web-site
Spring Boot Dependencies, Auto-Configuration and Runtime
  • Dependency management using Spring Bootstarters
  • How auto-configuration works
  • Configuration properties
  • Overriding auto-configuration
  • Using CommandLineRunner
JPA with Spring and Spring Data
  • Quick introduction to ORM with JPA
  • Benefits of using Spring with JPA
  • JPA configuration in Spring
  • Configuring Spring JPA using Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA dynamic repositories
Spring MVC Architecture and Overview
  • Introduction to Spring MVC and requestprocessing
  • Controller method signatures
  • Using @Controller, @RestController and@GetMapping annotations
  • Configuring Spring MVC with Spring Boot
  • Spring Boot packaging options, JAR or WAR
Rest with Spring MVC
  • An introduction to the REST architectural style
  • Controlling HTTP response codes with@ResponseStatus
  • Implementing REST with Spring MVC,@RequestMapping, @RequestBody and@ResponseBody
  • Spring MVC’s HttpMessageConverters andautomatic content negotiation
Spring Security
  • What problems does Spring Security solve?
  • Configuring authentication
  • Implementing authorization by intercepting URLs
  • Authorization using OAuth
  • Authorization at the Java method level
  • Understanding the Spring Security filter chain
Actuators, Metrics and Health Indicators
  • Enabling Spring Boot Actuator
  • Custom Metrics
  • Health Indicators
  • Creating custom Health Indicators
  • External monitoring systems
Spring Boot Testing Enhancements
  • Spring Boot testing overview
  • Integration testing and slices
  • Slices to test different layers of the application

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Spring Boot Developer Eğitimi Azerbaycan

Kardeş ülke Azerbaycan (resmi adıyla Azerbaycan Cumhuriyeti) Kafkasya’da, Güney Kafkas Dağları bölgesinde bulunmaktadır. Çok zengin bir kültüren mirasa sahip olan Azerbaycan’ın, Hazar Denizi, Rusya, Gürcistan, Ermenistan ve İran gibi sınır komşuları vardır. Kafkasya’nın en büyük yüzölçümlü ülkesi olan Azerbaycan’da harika bir doğa çeşitliliği mevcut olup, hayvan yaşamının zenginliği de dikkat çekicidir. Üniter bir devlet olan Azerbaycan’ın Cumhurbaşkanı İlham Aliyev, resmi dili Azerice’dir.

Farsça Azar (Ateş) ve Payegan (Muhafız) kelimelerinin birlikteliğinden adını alan Azerbaycan Ateşler Ülkesi olarak da bilinmektedir. Bakü’de bulunan Flame Towers ülkenin en turistik yerlerinden biridir. Ülkede çok sayıda yanardağ ve petrol yatağı bulunmaktadır. Azerbaycan’ın mutlaka görülmesi gereken yerleri arasında Bakü’deki Alev Kuleleri, Kız Kalesi, Ateşgah, Targovi Caddesi ve Bakü Bulvarı’nın yanı sıra farklı şehirlerdeki Şeki Hanları Sarayı, Kobustan Milli Parkı, Han Bağı, Kebele ve Göygöl Milli Parkı sayılabilir.
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