Developing Cloud-Native Applications with Microservices Architectures Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 30 Gün

Identify the proper frameworks and tools to build your microservices architecture

Developing Cloud-Native Applications with Microservices Architectures (DO092) is a series of on-demand, online videos that will teach you how to combine different frameworks and tools into a microservices architecture that fits your organizational needs.

You’ve no doubt heard about the microservices architecture, but understanding and executing it can be a bit of a challenge. Through a series of videos, this course will introduce microservices, review multiple microservices frameworks and runtimes, and show you techniques to deploy them through a hassle-free DevOps pipeline. We’ll discuss containers, Docker, Spring Boot, NodeJS, .NET, OpenShift, Jenkins, Vert.x, Kubernetes, and much more.

Note: You can view all videos or only the ones that interest you. There are no hands-on labs or course completion recognition associated with this course.

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Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz.


  • Understanding of software and IT system architecture
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Kimler Katılmalı

Java™ developers and anyone interested in OpenShift and Kubernetes

Understanding of software and IT system architecture

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Video 1: Deploying Cloud-Native Applications with Microservices Architectures Introduction
Video 2: Microservices Overview: What and Why?
Video 3: API: Building and Deploying a Microservice (and demonstration)
Video 4: Discovery and Invocation (and demonstration)
Video 5: Microservices Patterns (and demonstration)
Video 6: Circuit Breakers (and demonstration)
Video 7: Pipelines (and demonstration)
Video 8: Authentication (and demonstration)
Video 9: Logging, Monitoring, and Tracing (and demonstration)
Video 10: Blue/Green Deployment (and demonstration)
Video 11: Canary Deployment (and demonstration)
Video 12: Moving from Monolith to Microservices
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