ISTQB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing (inc exam) Eğitimi

  • Eğitim Tipi: Classroom
  • Süre: 3 Gün
  • Seviye: Fundamentals
Bu eğitimi kendi kurumunuzda planlayabilirsiniz. Bize Ulaşın!

Bu eğitim, yazılım testine dahil olan herkes için kapsamlı bir birinci seviye eğitim sunmaktadır. British Computer Society (BCS) tarafından akredite olmuş olup International Software Testing Qualification Board (Uluslararası Yazılım Testi Kalifikasyon Kurulu) (ISTQB) tarafından belirlenen CTFL 2018 müfredatını takip etmektedir.

Bu eğitim, test sürecinin temel unsurlarını, yani test standartlarının tanımlanmasını, planlamayı, yaşam döngüsü yönetimini, gözden geçirmeleri ve kullanılabilir araçları kapsamaktadır. Test oluşturmaya yönelik teknikler de açıklanmakta ve pratiği yapılmaktadır. Yazılım Testinde BCS Temel Düzey Sertifikası için çoktan seçmeli bir sınav ile de sonuçlanmaktadır. Başarılı katılımcılara tüm dünyada kabul gören ISTQB Sertifikalı Test Uzmanı - Temel Seviye sertifikası verilmektedir.

  • Delegates should already have a basic working knowledge of IT and an understanding of the testing role in software development.
  • Those who intend to sit the examination at the end of the course will benefit from pre-reading the ISTQB Foundation Level Syllabus and a standard text on the subject from the BCS book list.
  • Those delegates taking the examination will need to spend some time each evening on revision and example examination questions. The amount of time required will depend on experience, but delegates should be prepared to spend a minimum of 1-hour each evening.
  • If you are taking a BCS exam you must bring photographic identification with you (passport, driving license or student card), as it is a BCS requirement to produce it for the invigilator prior to the exam. Failure to produce a valid form of photographic identification will result in a candidate not being able to sit the exam. For any questions about what form of identification is acceptable please contact your Account Manager or the QA Examination Administration team on 44 (0)1793 696273.
  • BCS allow additional time for candidates who have a disability or whose native language differs to that of the examination paper. Full details are provided in the BCS Reasonable Adjustments Policy which is available to view on the BCS website. If you believe you qualify for this then please notify the Exam Administration team on the details below as early as possible. At least two weeks' notice will be required for processing this request. Delegates failing to advise QA and provide evidence when requested, may not be allowed the additional support offered via the BCS policy. QA Exam Administration can be contacted by email or by phone 44(0) 1793 696162.

  • 2018 Temel Seviye kalifikasyonu, test uzmanları, test analistleri, test mühendisleri, test danışmanları, test yöneticileri, kullanıcı kabul testi uzmanları ve yazılım geliştiriciler gibi rollerde olanlar da dahil olmak üzere yazılım testinin temel kavramları konusunda pratik bilgiye sahip olduğunu sergilemesi gereken herkes için uygundur.
  • Ayrıca proje yöneticileri, kalite yöneticileri, yazılım geliştirme yöneticileri, iş analistleri, BT müdürleri ve yönetim danışmanları da dahil olmak üzere yazılım testini temel seviyede anlaması gereken kişiler için de uygundur.
  • Yeni 2018 müfredatı, Temel Seviye’nin gerekli olduğu diğer ISTQB® sertifikasyonları için bir ön şart olarak kabul edilmektedir (not: Temel Seviye’nin 2011 müfredatı da dahil olmak üzere önceki tüm sürümleri ve “eski” Temel Seviye sertifikasyonları geçerliliğini korumaya devam edecektir).

The Business Outcomes expected of a candidate who has attended the 2018 Foundation Level certification course are as follows:

  • Promote efficient and effective communication by using a common vocabulary for software testing.
  • Understand fundamental concepts of software testing.
  • Demonstrate understanding of how different development and testing practices, and different constraints on testing, may apply in optimising testing to different contexts.
  • Contribute effectively in reviews.
  • Use established techniques for designing tests at all test levels.
  • Interpret and execute tests from given test specifications. Report on test results.
  • Understand test management principles for resources, strategies, planning, project control and risk management
  • Write and communicate clear and understandable defect reports
  • Understand the project factors that drive the test priorities and test approach
  • Understand the value that software testing brings to stakeholders
  • Appreciate how testing activities and work products align with project objectives, measures and targets
  • Assist in the selection and implementation process of testing tool

The 2018 Foundation Level Syllabus covers the following:

Fundamentals of Testing 

  • What is Testing?
  • Why is Testing Necessary?
  • Seven Testing Principles
  • Test Process
  • The Psychology of Testing

Testing Throughout the Software Development Lifecycle 

  • Software Development Lifecycle Models
  • Test Levels
  • Test Types
  • Maintenance Testing

Static Testing 

  • Static Testing Basics
  • Review Process

Test Techniques 

  • Categories of Test Techniques
  • Black-box Test Techniques
  • White-box Test Techniques
  • Experience-based Test Techniques

Test Management 

  • Test Organization
  • Test Planning and Estimation
  • Test Monitoring and Control
  • Configuration Management
  • Risks and Testing
  • Defect Management

Tool Support for Testing 

  • Test tool considerations
  • Effective use of tools


Structure of the Foundation Certificate in Software Testing Exam for delegates attending in the classroom

  • The examination consists of a one hour exam with 40 multiple choice questions.
  • It will be a 'closed book' examination i.e. no notes or books will be allowed into the examination room.
  • Duration of 60 minutes (or 75 minutes for candidates taking examinations that are not in their native language)
  • No study material or electronic devices (including mobile phones) may be used during the examination Candidates are allowed to use simple non-programmable calculators (to be provided by the candidate)
  • An official translation of terms (not their definitions) from the ISTQB® Glossary to the local language is allowed. Candidates taking exams that are not in their native language may use a paper-based translation dictionary.
  • The pass mark is 65% (26 out of 40).

Exams for delegates attending this course virtually, via 'Attend From Anywhere', will need to contact QA to book their exam at a future date in a QA training centre as the exam is currently not available online.

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