An extraordinary situation is experienced worldwide. This has deeply affected both small and large businesses over the past 4 weeks. Unfortunately, the top priority for many companies has become survival. All targets were drawn to the short term. New methods have been developed to reduce costs and manage cuts. "There is something we can deal with in this dark time, making an ambitious effort to train and learn," said QA President Sir Charlie Mayfield in his statements to the Times. One of the most talked about topics is remote education, but what is the place of virtual training in crisis management?

First of all, we should take the question "What is crisis management?" into consideration.

Crisis management is the process by which an organization deals with a devastating and unexpected event that threatens to harm the organization or its stakeholders. Crisis management research was conducted as a result of large scale industrial and environmental disasters in the 1980s. It is considered as the most important process in public relations.

The crisis that came to the fore with Covid-19 begins with the danger of leaving the house. Many businesses switch to work from home. Although the employees are not equipped enough, they do their best to adapt to the process in order not to lose their jobs. Unfortunately, some employees are not so lucky and lose their jobs. Whether they start working at home or have lost their job, every employee must create the opportunity to learn something valuable during this period. Anyone who is 16 or 65 years old, highly skilled or unskilled must acquire new skills to use in business life. For some, this training; it can be project management, forecasting or data analysis training, reaching a qualification level in cyber security for some, starting professional skills that some have never had. Firms should also make breakthroughs aimed at improvement, in addition to their short-term goals. Firms must support employees and align their organizations with new conditions to ensure improvement.

The improvement plan with virtual trainings on online platforms has many benefits.

First of all, the need for virtual trainings reminds the vital role of work in our lives. The job is where most of us gain not only skill, but also a sense of identity. Career is important for self as well as prosperity. We can follow virtual training opportunities to improve ourselves on the way to our self and prosperity.

Secondly, we have the technology to enable virtual training to progress efficiently and our future is shaped upon it. Whether it is video conferencing or more use of online project management, we all use technology more and realize that this can revolutionize not only business but also learning. Thanks to virtual trainings, on online platforms and with original remote labs, we can combine our technology skills with the trainings we receive for our career goal.

Third, supporting remote employees through virtual trainings keeps employees motivated. Just like footballers training until the season begins again, we must keep employees focused and ready. In this period, it will be your strongest move to support their development in order to manage the crisis created by your employees who are worried about their future.

And the last article deals with what economists, politicians, and businesses have been struggling for a long time: getting the workforce ready for the new system. Covid-19; Even before we started limiting our freedom and skills, it was a big problem for the future workforce to grow up compatible with new technology. Recent studies published by the Industrial Strategy Council show that by 2030, approximately 90% of the working population may lack the digital skills needed. This shocking prediction has to change.

Covid-19 hit hard on my society and the economy. In this difficult period, we also have opportunities to return to our inner world, such as completing our deficiencies. Also, there is perhaps a greater opportunity than ever before for businesses to show how holistic and important for a good society. If businesses manage recovery successfully, employees will notice it.

To date, we have not had the courage to stand so long to realize our shortcomings and turn to education. Now we have to stop, notice and learn. If we want to manage the crisis we are experiencing today, we should apply for virtual training opportunities.

Check out our virtual trainings that will help you in crisis management:

If you would like to join our virtual trainings during your time at home, contact us to enroll:
+90 212 282 77 00


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